Page 9 of This Woman Forever
I shake my head. “And she won’t. You’ve done enough damage, Sarah. Let me have this peace.”
Her face falls, and she looks at the carpet. “Please.”
“No. You can’t be in my life anymore. I don’t want you in my life anymore. I hate you, Sarah. I hate you with a vengeance because you tried to take the one woman I’ve ever loved away from me.” I turn and walk out, shutting the door behind me, nodding at John as I pass. He turns with me, flanking me. He say’s nothing, but he’s there. Always there by my side.
And this time, all the way to my car.
He opens the door for me, and I slip in, starting the engine. I look up at him. “I told her I hate her, John, and I meant it. I want... need her gone.”
He nods, understanding. His loyalty is something I have never doubted, even when he’s called me a motherfucker. Deserved on some occasions. But this man has been by my side unconditionally for years. Longer than anyone else.
“I need you next to me on my wedding day.”
He reaches up to his glasses and removes them, giving me his eyes. “Where else would I be?”
I swallow the lump in my throat, nodding, as John shuts the door.
I pull away calmly.
Where else would I be?
And wipe my cheek with the back of my hand.
Ava’s parents finally left on Wednesday evening after shopping success. Can’t say I was sorry to see Elizabeth leave. The woman exhausts me. But I will grin and bear her going forward, and only trample mildly. We’re just establishing the boundaries. I’m managing her expectations. Building a bond. It’s love/hate all the way. For both of us. But as I know she is of me, I’m fond of her. How could I not be? She’s irritatingly endearing. And Joseph? Top bloke.
The next ten days seem to drag for years. Ava’s been at work every day, and I’ve been busy. So fucking busy. But it’s still dragged. I knew Sarah was the scaffolding of my business, but I truly didn’t appreciate how much. I’m dealing with things I never knew needed dealing with, finding paperwork for things I didn’t know existed, but it seems Sarah had her own unique system of filing shit, and as a departing gift, she didn’t leave a key to what that system is. She also upended every filing cabinet in my office and the storage cupboard. I’m a little lost, to be honest. Drowning in emails and masses of paperwork, navigating the accounts system blindly. Requests from my accountant for invoices, quarter end accounts for the VAT return, employee documents, and statements have overwhelmed me. John has tried his best to support me but, like me, he’s dumbfounded. If we ever needed anything, we asked Sarah. Sarah knew where everything was kept, filed, who needed what and when. I’ve not heard from her, but it’s been difficult not to think about her when every fucker I see asks where she is. And Ava? She wanted details of Sarah’s eviction from The Manor. Naturally, I was selective with the information I shared. She’s gone. The end. Let’s move on.
It's now finally Friday. The Manor has been cleared of any evidence that may point to the happenings, the communal room door has been locked and bolted, and Tessa has been flying around all day getting everything in place. Ava’s parents have arrived, along with her charming brother, family, friends, and some people I don’t even fucking know. I’m pretty sure Elizabeth went back to Newquay and rounded up the locals to bring to her daughter’s wedding.
Everyone is here.
Except my fucking bride.
I look down at my Rolex, grumbling to myself. It’s that Ruth woman again, I just know it. She’s demanding, exhausting. I slide my phone off my desk and dial Ava, getting up and stretching my quads.
“Where the hell are you?” I grumble when she answers, wandering to the door and pulling it open.
“I couldn’t fit my outfit in the back of my car without it getting all creased. Zoe’s having it delivered.”
I smile. Her outfit. And fitting anything in her car won’t be a problem soon. That reminds me. I need to chase up the dealership on Ava’s wedding present.
I wander through the summer room that’s set up with rows of chairs and stand at the end of the aisle, looking to where I’ll be waiting for her. We made it. Fucking hell, we actually made it. “How long will you be?”
“Nearly there.”
“I’m hardly going to get any time with you this evening.”
“But you’ve got the rest of my life,” she muses, making me grin so wide.
“Just hurry up, will you?” I snap. “Your mother’s swanning around like lady of the fucking manor throwing out orders. She wouldn’t even let me in my own fucking suite earlier.”
Ava laughs. I don’t know why. Her mother’s driving me nuts. “You’re not allowed in my room.”
I frown. “It’s our room.”
“Not tonight. Tonight it’s my room.”