Page 78 of This Woman Forever
And lands yards away.
No. Please, no.
I flinch, coming back into my body with a violent jolt. Jesus Christ. I move fast, grabbing Ava and putting her on my shoulder where she’s safe. “Don’t step out into the fucking road, you stupid woman.”
“Fucking hell, Jesse, put me down.”
“No.” Not on her fucking life, because, clearly, she doesn’t have as much respect for it as I do.
“Jesse,” she cries. “You’re hurting me.”
Hurting? I’m hurting her?
I put her down and check every inch of her. “You’re hurt?” I ask. “Where?” Wait, did she roll her ankle? Did I catch her somewhere when I picked her up?
“Just there,” she yells on a broken sob, smacking her hand on her chest.
Oh. Her heart?
“Join the fucking club, Ava,” I roar, thumping mine too, forcing her to take a few backward steps. I reach for her, missing when she turns and stomps off, this time less wobbly. The emotions are sobering her up. I fucking hate the sight of my wife drunk. Hate that we have only ever rowed when she’s been under the influence.
“The car is this way,” I call, going after her but halting when she abruptly stops. Then she turns slowly and comes back toward me. “I don’t like your dress,” I mutter when she’s passing me.
“I do.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t,” she screams, right in my face as she swings around. I hate that I know her so well. She’s predictable but completely unpredictable.
“You’re right!” I fucking hate it, and I hate us right now. This is not how it’s supposed to be, not after getting married. Not ever.
“Good,” she huffs. “Is that the only reason you’re pissed, or is it because I’m drunk, or is it because I kissed another man?”
Oh, hold me back. “All of the above,” I hiss. “But kissing another man gets the fucking gold.”
“You had your hand on another woman’s arse!”
“I know!” But a kiss?
“Why?” she snaps. “Getting bored of keeping it for just one woman?”
I recoil, injured. What the hell is she saying? “You fucking asked for it, woman.”
“Me?” she gasps. “How?”
“You left me,” I yell, trembling. “You promised you would never leave me.” She broke a promise. She left me. She came out on a Friday night wearing a scrap of material as a dress, drank in excess, flirted, and kissed another fucking man. Don’t tell me her transgressions aren’t topping mine.
Blinking, looking surprised, Ava takes a brief few moments to breathe. “You shouldn’t have taken it upon yourself to decide my future.” She walks on, back to wobbling again. John’s already schooled me on this. I denied a woman her choice. What I did was wrong. But, she’s not pregnant, and it’s a relief given how fucking drunk she is right now.
“For fuck’s sake,” I whisper, looking at the heavens. How did we get here? “You’re a fucking pain in the arse.” I catch up and pick her up, and this time she doesn’t fight me. “And I was thinking about our future.”
“Put me down.”
“I’m not putting you down, lady.” I stride to the car, feeling her becoming heavy and limp in my arms. Out of fight.
I get her in the passenger seat and secure her belt. “This fucking dress is fucking ridiculous.” And it’s going to meet my scissors as soon as we’re home.
Starting the engine, I pull out and turn onto the main street, seeing Kate still outside the bar with Dan, a good few meters between them. The atmosphere between them looks as thick as it feels in my car. Kate’s arms are folded over her chest, her body language not looking good for Dan. But Sam’s nowhere to be seen.