Page 26 of This Woman Forever
He laughs. There’s no humor. “Is Sarah ever okay?”
Good point. But... “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Take it as you will. She’s drunk. Slurring, talking nonsense.”
“Nonsense like...”
He sighs, placing one of his enormous hands over his forehead, gathering patience. “It’s your wedding day, Jesse. This does not deserve your attention or concern. Let me deal with it.” He strides off, leaving no room for me to accept or, perhaps, not. I hate the woman with a passion. Truly. For what she’s said, what she’s done. But, fuck me, that doesn’t seem to stop my conscience from worrying about her.
“God damn it,” I mutter, joining Sam and Drew at the bar. I watch as they both neck their Scotches and listen as they gasp their appreciation. “A water, please, Mario,” I grumble, perching on a stool next to them, feeling the urge of many guests wanting to come and congratulate me. I hope my semi-scowling expression warns them off.
“Okay?” Drew asks, and I laugh sardonically.
Isn’t it something that all I keep getting asked is if I’m okay? On my wedding day. Suffice to say, it isn’t panning out how I hoped. “Fine.” I look at the bar entrance, wondering what Ava’s brother is saying. Wonderful things, I expect. Singing my praises. Wishing us well. Telling Ava how happy he is for her. What’s his fucking problem, anyway? From the moment he opened his mouth to me, he’s been hostile. I should find Ava’s ex and thank him for stirring shit. With my fist. Again.
“What gives, man?” Sam rests his arse on the next stool. “This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.”
If it was just Ava and me in our bubble, it would be. Unfortunately, I have to share her with the world. “How’s work?” I say, trying to distract myself. Sam leans back on his stool, making way for Drew, because why the fuck would I ask Sam that question? He’s not done a day’s work in his life, except in the rooms of my manor.
“I’m glad to see you didn’t invite the prick of an estate agent,” Drew says flatly.
“He’s still rubbing you up the wrong way?” I ask.
“I’m not bothered.”
Both Sam and I laugh, and Drew scowls. “Not bothered?” I ask. “Strange. Your constant twisted face whenever he’s brought up says otherwise.”
“He’s insignificant.”
“Tell that to your bottom line.”
“Fuck off.”
“Just let me know if cash flow is an issue and I’ll pause your membership.” I smile round the rim of my glass.
“Fuck... off,” he grates, motioning for another drink.
“God, you’re uptight,” Sam teases.
“Jesse could change that.” Drew looks past me to the staircase that leads to the top floors of The Manor.
“Forget it,” I say quickly, as Sam chuckles. “Besides, there’s no one here you’d want to drag up and bless with your filth.”
“I don’t know,” Sam chimes. “Isn’t Ava’s work friend invited this evening?”
“Victoria?” Drew asks. “Seriously. Mention a dildo to that woman, she’ll spray you with disinfectant and have you committed to an asylum.”
I laugh loudly.
“There’s Kate, though,” Drew adds casually.
Sam stills, his body solid. Oh no. It’s not often you see Sam Kelt scowling. It seems Kate can fix that. “Drew,” I warn slowly, seeing the fucker smirk.
“Where is she, anyway?” he asks.
I don’t bother trying to hold Sam back. Drew’s being a dick. He deserves a whack. So I sit back and let Sam at him, watching as he gets up in our mate’s face, fisting his suit jacket. “I don’t want to hear her name come out of your mouth again,” he hisses. “Do you hear me?”
Drew smiles. “You’re in love with her.”