Page 174 of This Woman Forever
“I’ll have the steak,” Ava says again, slow and clearly. “Medium.”
I glance at the waitress briefly, mentally yelling at her not to poke the bear.
“The steak,” Ava grates. “Medium. Would you like me to write it down for you?”
I laugh under my breath, despite myself. I shouldn’t love it when she gets all possessive. But I do.
“Oh, of course.” The waitress snaps out of her daze. “And for you?”
“Mussels for me.” Joseph raises his brows at me, and I shrug, remembering one of the first things he said to me as his eyes climbed my body. You’re an impressive human, aren’t you? What can I say?
Elizabeth places her menu down, giving me a similar interested look. I shrug at her too. “The seafood platter for me. And I’ll have another wine.”
“And for you, sir?” the waitress asks, still writing. And smiling at me again.
Shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. But... “What would you recommend?” I ask.
“The lamb is good.”
“He’ll have the same as me,” Ava snaps, snatching the menus up and thrusting them at her. I chuckle. “Medium.”
“The wife has spoken,” I muse, pulling Ava closer. “I do as I’m told, so it looks like I’m having the steak.”
Ava jerks in my hold, and I look at her fondly as her parents laugh at our shenanigans. “You’re impossible,” she mumbles while I dedicate a bit of time to her throat with my lips. “And since when do you do what you’re told?”
“Ava, that was really quite rude. Jesse can make his own meal choices,” Elizabeth says. And she loves me again.
“It’s okay.” I don’t come up for air. “She knows what I like.”
“You like to be impossible.”
“I love watching you in trampling action.” I nip at her ear, smiling when she shudders. “I could bend you over this table and fuck you really hard.” And my mother-in-law would hate me again. Do I care?
Ava gathers herself and turns the tables. “Stop saying the word fuck, unless you’re going to fuck me,” she whispers.
“Watch your mouth.”
“Let’s raise a toast!” Joseph sings, forcing me away from mauling Ava’s cheek. “To twins.”
“To twins,” Elizabeth says, prompting me to lift my glass of water. Ava’s smiling again. I scrunch my nose, squeeze her knee, and hit my glass with the others. “Excuse me, I need the men’s,” I say, getting up and leaving the table. I feel Ava’s eyes follow me, so I look back, finding her dark gaze on my arse. She’s asking for it. And I know she’s going to ask for it at her parents’ house. And I know she’s going to want it hard.
I ponder how I might handle that while I search for the waitress to tell her to make sure Ava’s steak is well-done. But to tell her it’s medium when it’s served.
As I expected, she threw her temptress skills at me left and right when we got back to her parents’ last night. So I gagged her and fucked her as delicately as I could.
And the Quiet Fuck was born.
I can’t wait to get her to Paradise so she can scream to her heart’s content. Not that’ll I’ll fuck her hard. Nope. Gently does it.
We left the in-laws early and got on the road, just Ava and me, and that’s how it’ll be for the next few days. Blissful.