Page 141 of This Woman Forever
My present. My future.
She looks peaky. Drained. Jesus, this morning sickness has got her good. “Oh baby.” I take in her sorrowful face. “Crap?”
That makes both of us. She’ll still insist on going to work, though. I scoop her up, carrying her to the kitchen. “I was going to ask why you’re not naked.”
“Don’t bother, I’ll throw up on you.”
Chuckling, I sit her on the counter. “You look beautiful.”
“Don’t lie to me, Ward.” She pouts. “I look like shit.”
“Ava,” I whisper. She’s clearly got enough energy to curse. “You need to eat.”
Her cheeks balloon, an unattractive sound rumbling up from her stomach. I step back, genuinely worried she’s actually going to throw up.
“I’m here,” Cathy sings, the door closing in the distance. She appears at the door. “Morning.” Then she takes us both in, Ava looking green, me looking worried. “Oh dear. Whatever is the matter?”
“Ava’s not feeling too good.”
“Oh, the dreaded morning sickness? It’ll pass.”
“Will it?” Ava asks, sounding truly hopeful, looking for reassurance as she sinks into my chest. “When?”
I look to Cathy, holding Ava, hugging her, fussing over her.
“It depends,” she says, starting her usual faff around the kitchen. “Boy, girl, mum, dad. Some women have a few weeks of it, some struggle throughout the whole of their pregnancy.”
Oh shit, that’s not ideal.
“Oh God,” Ava grumbles, clinging on to me weakly. “Don’t say that.”
I jump, jarring Ava from my chest. Ginger? Is she telling us ginger babies make morning sickness worse? “What?” Ava asks what we’re both wanting to know.
“Ginger.” Cathy dives into her bag and pulls out a pack of... biscuits? “You need ginger, dear. I came prepared.” I’m shoved aside. I’m not injured. Cathy’s just put one of those biscuits in Ava’s hand, telling her to have one every morning, and she’s started nibbling it without protest. It’s a miracle. Let’s see if she keeps it down. Ginger? Who would have thought. “It’ll settle your stomach.” Cathy pats Ava’s cheek, her old nose wrinkling. “I’m so excited.”
No shit. I claim my wife back and sit her on a stool, checking the biscuit. Half gone. This could be a gamechanger.
“The new boy gave me these,” Cathy says, holding out some envelopes. “Cute little bugger, isn’t he?”
Cuter than Clive? I hear Ava chuckle, life suddenly in her bones. Good for her. I take the envelopes on a scowl.
“He’s very sweet,” Ava says, as I work one of the envelopes open, still scowling.
They chat happily about the new concierge while Cathy makes breakfast and Ava works her way through her biscuit. I rest my arse on a stool and pull out a letter, seeing a few leaflets attached to the edge. At first I think it’s junk mail. Then I see Ava’s name. Or, at least, her old name. O’Shea. And her old address.
Where she lived with her ex.
Confused as fuck, I look at the front of the envelope. It’s addressed to me. Not Ava. And it’s marked private. Ava’s next to me, talking happily, a little more color in her cheeks, as Cathy pushes a plate toward me. I smile my thanks, going back to the letter, reading. It’s a scan appointment. I thought I told Ava I’d organize a private scan. But then I look at the date in the corner, mentally doing the math. This was sent a week ago. Last Monday, to be precise. Last Monday when I followed her to the surgery. Last Monday when she walked out of the doctor’s office and threw up all over the bathroom. Last Monday when she told me she wasn’t pregnant. That I’d failed.
A horrible coolness slithers through my veins as I read on, past the appointment date and time.