Page 16 of His to Own
“Not happening, Juni.” He’s refusing to sit down next to me. Lawson is standing like a sentry with one hand on my abdomen. The other has my fingers laced with his. This has not changed over the course of my pregnancy, and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.
“Suit yourself.” The paper crinkles beneath me as I try to settle in as much as I can. I almost went with a sundress today, and I’m glad I didn’t. As it is now, my floral skirt is below my stomach, and my shirt is tucked underneath my bra. The look is laughable, kind of like my monthly visits to the obstetrician, except my feet are in stirrups and I’m naked from the waist down. Though, Lawson complains about the scenario more than I do, and believe me, he’s at every appointment, every scan, and he’s very thorough in questioning Doctor Rosales. I’ve tried to simmer him down. I even talked to his mom, who assured me Russell was the same way and by the time the second one comes around, he'd calmed down. She imagines Lawson will, too, you know, considering they’re two peas of a pod.
“I think we should wait,” I blurt out.
“Wait on what, getting married or moving in with each other?” Yeah, all this time later, and we still go back and forth between places. I’m not ready to make any big changes, worried about rocking the boat and that Lawson could one day get tired of my neurotic tendencies to hyper fixate on keeping a clean house.
“No, I’m standing firm on the no wedding until our child is born. I want the day to be magical and our child to be a part of it.” I also don’t want to be pregnant while saying our vows. I’d like to celebrate with a couple of glasses of champagne, and to really have time to plan it with Catherine.
“Good, you’re moving in today, then?”
“Also no. I think we should wait on finding out the sex of our baby. Wouldn’t it be fun to be surprised?” We’re here today for the full anatomy scan, which entails measurements of our baby’s organs and body parts to make sure they’re growing appropriately. And we can also learn the sex of our child. I’m kind of leaning in that direction of not wanting to find out. Lawson’s facial expression is telling me all I need to know.
“Juniper, babe. You’re a planner. You have dinner planned a week in advance, you order supplies well in advance, you like order, and I’m not faulting you for being you. Think of it this way, how are you going to have everything you want or need? Not knowing will create a fire in you, trying to prepare everything.” He isn’t trying to talk me out of it. He’s trying to make me see reason.
“Fine, you’re right.” I cross my arms over my chest. These newly acquired boobs are doing nothing to help my breathing with how I’m sitting, and while Lawson is infatuated with them, they tend to get in my way.
“Let me write this down. Not sure I’ll ever hear those words coming out of your mouth again.” He shoots me a wink and says, “Plus, I’ve gotta prepare the uncles. We have a girl as gorgeous as you, I’m going to need all the help I can get to keep them away.”
“A girl? What about a boy? Do you see yourself every morning? I’ve heard the stories from your mom. There was a time or ten she had to take the phone off the hook because the hussies would call non-stop. Hussies was her word, not mine, by the way.” He goes to reply, but a knock interrupts our conversation.
“Hi, I’m Gianna. How are you today?” The ultrasound technician comes in full of energy.
“Hello, I’m good. Kind of cold, to be honest.” I let out a nervous laugh.
“You need a blanket?” Lawson asks, ignoring the technician. Alpha mode activated.
“I’m good, honey. Promise.” I squeeze his hand, settling him down.
“Are you sure?” Gianna asks.
“I’m positive.” She nods, then heads toward the sink to wash her hands.
“So, are we finding out the sex of your baby today?” Gianna is turned in such a way that she can see and hear my response.
“Yes, please.” I look from her to Lawson. He tips his head down, mouthing the words we got this, babe, love you.
“Alright, first, we’ll see if you’re having a boy or a girl. Then we’ll do the measuring stuff.” Gianna walks toward me. The machine is set up on the opposite side of where Lawson is standing. As soon as she’s within reaching distance, she grabs a medical drape sheet, tucks it into my bottoms, and then grabs a pair of gloves. It’s always hard to be the patient instead of the nurse. I wanted to get everything prepped, but it would have ticked me off if someone did it in my clinic, so I refrained. Barely.
“This is going to be cold, sorry.” Her hands are gloved up, and a loud squirt comes from the tube of ultrasound gel.
“It’s worth it.” I shrug, ready to hear our baby’s heartbeat.
“Here we go.” She runs the ultrasound probe along my stomach. She’s careful in pressing down, and for that I’m thankful. My bladder is slowly kicking my ass. Plus, I always walk around with water in this massive jug Lawson picked up. The doctor mentioned once in passing to stay hydrated. The next day, he had this bright pink metal cup with a handle and straw delivered to the ranch. Overkill? Yes. Does he fill it up every morning and refill it during the day? Also, yes.
A loud whooshing circulates through the room, and my eyes instantly start to water. Lawson being Lawson recognizes it immediately. His head lowers to my ear. “Never gets old, Juniper. Love doing life with you, baby.”
“Congrats, mom and dad, you’re having a baby girl!” Gianna announces excitedly. The waterworks continue as Lawson kisses my temple, and it’s not until after we’re in the truck heading back to the ranch that Mister Macho Man lets on he’s excited about our baby girl.
“Not gonna make it inside, Juniper. Need you now.” The whole way home I’ve been jonesing to tell her exactly how I feel. The minute my truck is slammed into Park in the driveway at my place, I’m tearing off my seatbelt, shoving the center console up and out of the way before doing the same to Juni's belt.
“Lawson.” The way she says my name is all I need. I’ve got her planted on my lap, her hands are going after my cock, and I’m sliding my own up her thighs.
“I hope you’re ready. God, please be ready.” The tips of my fingers meet lace, wetness soaking through. She’s there. Christ, I bet the second my cock slides inside her tight cunt, my woman will be pulsating on my length, trying to take me with her well before I’m ready.