Page 79 of Well and Truly Pucked
I fold my arms across my chest. “Men who need to gloat…what? Have small feet?” I challenge. “You’ve seen my feet, and they’re as spectacular as the rest of me.”
“You think I was looking at you last night?” Gavin retorts as I tap in the code to unlock the door, excited to see Briar again.
“No, man. I just think my dick is impossible to miss,” I say as I swing open the door. Briar was still sound asleep in her bed when we woke, so we texted her that we were going out for a run and that the first guy back would get to kiss her.
Donut’s bouncing already behind it, jumping up to say hi. I give her a pat on the head, then a scratch on the chin while Briar leans against the counter, drinking a fruit smoothie, looking like all my sex dreams come to life.
My heart stutters. Then it does a race of its own, like it’s trying to run to her. Or maybe I’m just amped up from the run. That must be it. But damn, she’s pretty, so laid-back and carefree, dressed in sky-blue exercise clothes.
“Yes, Hollis’s dick is fantastic,” she says, setting down the tumbler.
I pump a fist.
“Briar, love. Wouldn’t you say I have really big feet?” Rhys calls out as he enters the cottage right behind me.
“So big you need clown shoes,” she says to Rhys as I close the distance to her and stop a foot in front of the beauty, my pulse speeding up all over again in double time. “I won. Do I get a morning kiss?”
She eyes me up and down, as if she’s appraising my sweat-soaked shirt, the sheen on my face.
“C’mon. Sweat is sexy, baby,” I goad.
Shaking her head, she grabs my shirt with her free hand. “No, what’s sexy is you guys carrying me to my bed last night. Walking my dog this morning and putting her back in bed with me. Making me this smoothie. Letting me sleep in. So this kiss is for all that.”
She drops her mouth to mine and kisses me hard, making my head spin with lust. Don’t want to get her all sweaty, so I set a hand on the counter behind her, then give her a kiss that says I can’t stop thinking about her.
I gather her hair in my other hand and pull it—not too hard, but just hard enough to jerk her head back more.
Something I’m learning she likes.
To surrender.
To give in. To be…consumed.
She murmurs into my mouth and I swallow the sound, then somehow find the will to wrench away.
When I stop, she blows out a breath. “Wow.”
My chest swells with pride. That’s the real streak I don’t want to break—making her happy.
“How was your run?” she asks, like she’s getting her bearings after that kiss.
Gavin strides past us and into the kitchen. “Good. Hollis beat us by five seconds, but I guess he usually comes first.”
I turn around and stare him down. “Oh no you didn’t.”
Gavin flashes an evil smirk as he pours a glass of water. Rhys swings by to drop a quick kiss on Briar’s cheek, like he’s sneaking one in. She says hi to him and glances at Gavin. Hmm. He didn’t kiss her. Not sure why. She stands straighter, looks around, like she’s checking the mood. Maybe before she says something?
Was last night a one-and-done? Did she want one night with all of us and that was it? The second that thought lands in my mind, I want to ball it up and toss it in the trash. That won’t do. I need so much more than what we’ve already had.
No idea how the other guys feel since we deliberately didn’t discuss her on the run this morning. When Rhys brought her up on the way back to the house, asking what would be next, I said I felt weird discussing that without her around. Making sex plans was entirely different.
But now we’re here and I need to know where she stands, stat. “So, I was thinking?—”
“Guys we should talk,” she says at the same time, then gestures to me. “You go first.”
I shake my head, hiding my worry that she’s had enough. “No. You. Ladies first.”