Page 65 of Well and Truly Pucked
She entrusted me with her bedroom secrets. She made herself vulnerable. If she’s wanting more than Rhys and me, I’ve got to make sure Gavin is going to treat her right. In and out of bed.
He crosses his arms, then sighs heavily. “Why do you want to know?”
“We’re having a game night tonight. We’re all playing vintage games. She wants you there, man,” I say, putting those cards on the table. I might not know all Briar’s answers, but I know that one. She wants him to hang with us, and I’d like to make that happen for her.
His stone facade cracks the slightest bit as his lips twitch in a smile. But he erases it in a second. “She…does?”
He says it like that’s all he wants in the world—to be asked by her.
Good. That’s a start.
But Gavin needs to know that I’ll protect her. If he hurts her, he’ll have to answer to me. “She just got out of a bad relationship. She’s a friend. I don’t want you messing with her head or her heart. Is that clear?”
“One hundred percent. And you don’t have to worry about that. Just because I’m into her doesn’t mean I’m going to let anything happen between us.”
The thing is, I don’t believe him.
Who invented cat-cow? That yoga pose on all fours is seriously distracting. You’d think I could handle it better since I’ve seen Briar do this pose countless times in her videos.
But nope. Watching her, on all fours, bowing her back like a cow, then arching it like a cat, is frying my brain as I walk to her tent.
I shouldn’t even be heading to see her. This is the last place I should be. But as she demonstrates this pose for an older lady who’s trying it out, too, on an extra mat in the tent, I keep walking.
Like this morning when I couldn’t stay away from the deck, I can’t stay away from her.
At least I have a reason though. That’s what I tell myself as I close the distance between us, coming up behind her. When I reach her, Briar’s saying to the woman, “You just take a deep breath, lift your head, then tilt your pelvis up. Like this.”
Damn, Briar looks good like that. Like she’s offering herself up. Which she isn’t and which I should not be thinking.
“Perfect,” the woman says, still on all fours. “I’m just never sure how deep to go.”
“Listen to your body. Don’t push it,” Briar says. “So often we try to do more than our body wants, but it’s better if we can just listen to it. The body knows what it needs.”
The woman gives a thoughtful nod, like that’s exactly the advice she needed. “Thank you,” she says as she kneels, then rises.
Briar stretches up, standing gracefully as she says goodbye. She moves like water, and it’s too alluring.
She checks the time on her phone on the table, then must notice me out of the corner of her eye. Whirling around, she says, “Oh. Hi.”
She sounds breathy. Can’t be from the pose though. She does that one all the time.
I swallow roughly, hunting for words. Why didn’t I plan better what to say? “Hey,” I reply.
Get it together, man.
I clear my throat, try again. “Uh, I wanted to see what…games you like.”
“You did?” She sounds intrigued.
I scratch my jaw, trying to seem nonchalant. “Hollis mentioned game night. So I figured I’d ask. Settlers of Catan? Go Fish? Charades? Cards Against Humanity?”
She taps her chin, going all thoughtful, teasing me a little. Then she tilts her head, holds my gaze, and says, “Surprise me.”