Page 60 of Lich's Desire
“We should talk about the plan,” I say, distracting myself from my feelings. “My contact says Zathex is usually in the xaphan territory at this time of day. Our first move should be to apprehend him and then –”
“No,” Hanna interjects, shaking her head. “We can’t go for Zathex, not until I’ve seen my father.”
“We shouldn’t wait to act on our information.”
“Kazrith, I haven’t seen my father in far too long, you know that. I need to know he’s safe,” she says with conviction. “Trust me, we aren’t letting Zathex get away with what he’s done, but my father is my number one priority.”
Relenting, I nod in agreement. “Very well. We’ll have to be careful here, though. It won’t be as lax as it is in Ikoth. We’ll be walking beacons of attention.”
“Maybe we should take a quieter route than through the main streets,” Hanna suggests. “The only thing is that it’s morning, so everywhere’s busy.”
“No, it’s a good idea. We can’t dodge the eyes of humans, but I’d rather deal with them than xaphans.”
A few minutes pass as the vessel docks at the port. One by one, the ship’s passengers disembark. As we step closer to the exit, Hanna wraps a hand around my arm.
The main roads ahead are far too crowded for us, swarmed with carriages and zarryns looking to head to the heart of the city. I look around for a quiet route, using my shadow powers to enhance my vision past the bustling roads.
“What do you mean you won’t take us?”
Hanna’s voice catches my attention. I’d been too focused to notice she broke away to a nearby carriage, where she is now arguing with the driver.
“I don’t give rides to demon scum,” he spits.
“You’re lucky I have business to attend to,” I call out to him. Grabbing Hanna’s arm, I lead her away.
“Bastard,” she hisses.
“Indeed, he is, but Hanna, don’t approach anyone without me. We’re better off making the journey on foot by ourselves. For all we know, Zathex has eyes on us right now.”
“I just want to get back home as soon as possible.”
“I know you’re eager, but we have to tread carefully!”
Our grip on each other’s hands is tight as I lead the way. Maneuvering through the crowd is easier than I thought with my massive frame, mostly due to others backing out of the way as I approach.
Of course, with that comes their disapproving looks. Many of the humans still seem almost brainwashed by the xaphan propaganda despite the rough treatment the so-called heroes give them.
Sad, really.
We take a narrow side street eastward in the direction of the human settlements. Passersby gawk at us, some of them whispering and pointing while others don’t hesitate to scoff.
“I don’t like all of this attention,” Hanna says.
“Me, neither, but there’s nothing we can do about it.”
Our route takes us through one of the many market areas, but this one isn’t as seedy as the main trading hub where the slave auction house resides. Though stall vendors usually call out to passing citizens with enticing offers and samples of their products, they go completely silent at the sight of us.
“I can’t believe I used to live in this forsaken city.”
“They’re just behaving like this because I’m with you. Let’s face it,” I point out.
“I never realized the toxicity of New Solas until I got away from it. I only wish I saw the truth sooner.”
“Then you probably wouldn’t have met me,” I observe, attempting to break through the tense atmosphere.
But Hanna doesn’t react. Her focus remains on getting to her family home. Her anxiety seems to worsen as we progress.
For that, I cannot blame her.