Page 15 of Lich's Desire
“If you wander off, I’ll have your head,” Zathex says, opening the cell door while guiding me with a metal leash.
The bright sunny streets of New Solas greet me. I’m so glad to finally be out of that cage.
Immediately, I recognize that it’s early, but notice a bidding war going on in a large ghastly building. An elderly xaphan stumbles to the ground bidding for a sad-looking woman, and the other bidders nearly trample over him.
That won’t be me, I think. I’d sooner die than be sold off.
But the more time passes, the more inevitable my fate becomes. One of the demons casts a lustful look at me as Zathex leads me past.
“Keep your eyes to yourself,” he utters, jerking me along so aggressively that the chains chafe against my neck. “You’ll have your chance later.”
As long as Zathex continues to chaperone me, I’ll only know the binding of chains. At least now, my feet aren’t bound to him.
I wonder how my father must be doing without me. If I’m not around, he often forgets to take care of himself, falling into a deep depression.
He must think I’m dead.
The thought terrifies me. I doubt Zathex notified him before he abducted me. Meaning that my father must be devastated right now.
I have to find some way to tell him. The cold metal guides me along through the most forbidden sections of the trading hub, where even New Solas has forgotten its majesty. A single fountain in the distance is clogged, sputtering black goo. The smell it produces is revolting to me.
Think fast. This is your last chance!
“Hey, Zathex.”
He doesn’t turn to acknowledge me, making his feelings clear.
“Oh, are we finally talking now?” he asks. “How flattering.”
I ignore the taunt. I know his only goal is riling me up. I’m probably the one constant in his life, and if he can’t have me, he might as well delight himself in my misery.
“I was wondering what this is all about,” I say. “Not that I don’t enjoy the chance to stretch my legs or anything. You just said my auction was still a few hours away.”
He pauses, and for a moment, all I hear are the riotous cries of the auction house behind me.
How stupid of me to think he’d entertain idle questions. This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought.
Internally, I’m screaming. But I know that despite how hopeless this seems, I have to act if I want a chance of survival.
“A prize like you has to keep her figure,” he says absentmindedly. “Otherwise, you’re worth a lot less to them.”
So it’s not a kind gesture at all. He’s not concerned that my legs might atrophy. He just wants to maximize his revenue.
I don’t know why that surprises me.
“That makes sense, I suppose.”
“That makes sense, I suppose.”
He repeats my words back to me, mocking me.
I avoid mouthing off in response. For now, he holds all the power.