Page 45 of Midlife Woes (Ex)
You should leave her alone now, Damon; it’s been hours since you’ve been at her. This is about the fourth or fifth time I’ve said this to myself, but each time, I kept going back for more. This is about my fifth or sixth seconds.
I can’t seem to get enough of her. Just knowing that she was carrying my child seemed to have triggered something in me, a need and want to be near her, in her. Now, I brushed back her sweaty hair from her face as I looked into her eyes and rode her.
“Sore?” I didn’t even give her a chance to answer before covering her lips with mine. We were both sweaty and tired, and about half an hour ago, she’d begged for mercy. Once I realized she was begging because she was tired and not because I was hurting her by fucking her doggy style, I told her to just lay there and let me do all the work.
That was two fucks ago, and it just hit me that she might be getting sore. But she shook her head and tried to catch my lips with hers again. I obliged and let her suckle my tongue to her heart’s content.
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* * *
“You are insane.”
“You’re just arguing with yourself at this point. You realize that, don’t you?” How is it possible to love someone and want to murder them at the same time?
The first day after coming home from the hospital wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be given his behavior at the hospital; all we did was have sex well into the night until we were both too exhausted to move, and I grew in fear that his dick would fall off from overuse.
But this is just too much. I woke up long after he’d left for work because he’d tired me out first thing this morning again. I woke up and hopped into the shower before heading to the kitchen, which is where I got my first surprise of the day.
Sitting in the kitchen was Sheila and some woman and man I’d never seen a day in my life. “Morning, sleepyhead. I would’ve woken you sooner, but Damon threatened me with bodily harm if I did.”
“What are you doing here?” I didn’t even know she knew where he lived. I mean, I’d told her, but I hadn’t given her his direct address.
“Your man called last night and told me to be here to meet these folks. This is Amber and Josh. They’re the wedding planners.” She looked like she was about to die laughing and I can’t blame her. I’d called her before leaving the hospital and given her the news about the baby, which we’d both squealed about and started planning for the little one the way we’d done with all of my pregnancies.
Damon was there, of course, when we were talking, but I had no idea that he was going to call her to come out here. “Hi, I’m Jolene.” I greeted the two strangers. I held out my hand, but they both refused because Damon had warned them not to touch me. Now I understood why the three of them were wearing masks. He was going too far.
“You’re supposed to sit over there.” Sheila pointed to a chair that was almost at the other end of the table.
“Well, how am I supposed to see what you’re doing?”
“That’s not a problem.” Amber got up and walked to the whiteboard, which I’d missed when I walked in. You have got to be kidding me.
That was the first day. Now, this morning, I told him I was going to head to the house to take care of laundry and some other things that I’d left undone, and he took my keys and told me no. When I said I’d just call a cab or Uber, he said he’d arrest them, and here we are.
“While we’re at it, why don’t you call a realtor? I was thinking you could rent the place out, turn it into an Airbnb or a bed and breakfast, or better yet, let your kids have it once they leave college until they go out on their own. Unless, of course, you want them to move in here. We’ve got plenty of space.”
I watched him walk around the room from my place on the bed, where he’d ordered me to stay a little longer. I’m almost certain this goober has never been around a pregnant woman. I wasn’t even this cosseted during my first pregnancy.
“Damon, sweetheart, come here.” I took my life in my hands and got to my knees on the bed. He walked over and laid me back gently.
“You can talk from there.” I made the mistake of rolling my eyes where he could see, and that set him off again.
“You can roll your eyes until they’re in the back of your head, but unless you want me to cuff you to this bed until I come home tonight, you’ll do as you’re told. What’s it gonna be?” He actually removed his cuffs.
I thought fast and agreed because I knew there was no way for him to stop me once he left. “Fine. I’ll stay in bed like an invalid all day.” You nutjob. He started to leave and I was thanking my lucky stars when he walked over to the wall and pressed a button that had cameras coming down from the four corners of the room.
“What the hell?”
“You didn’t think I was gonna trust you, did you? I’ll tell you what, since you’re hard of hearing, you can go wherever you want.”
“Yeah, thank you.”
“But my kid stays here.”