Page 7 of Protecting Her
Situated about thirty minutes out of town, there’s nothing there but trees and wildlife. We use that place because of its natural defense system. It sits on top of a hill so we can see all incoming traffic. There’s only one way in and one way out unless someone is dropping in via air, and we’d detect that immediately.
I don’t know much about science, but her work must be important for her boss to pay our fees. From the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, I inspect the building across the way. There’s no flickers of light or reflections that would indicate there’s a scope trained on this apartment. I don’t see any vans or utility vehicles on the road within listening distance.
“We’re ready,” Laura announces.
I turn to see Laura with a duffel bag over her shoulder. Behind her, Catriona wheels a giant suitcase. The damn thing is almost bigger than her. I walk over and pull it away.
“Hey, I had that.”
“And now I do. Everything is clear,” I tell Laura with a chin nod.
“I can handle my own things.”
I ignore that and give a chin nod toward the door. “Let’s go.”
Laura starts right off, her hand at her side right above her piece.
“Is this how it’s going to be the whole time? I say things and you ignore them and do whatever you want?”
“Yes,” Laura answers for me. “Gabe is exactly like that.”
“I’m not a fan,” Catriona declares.
I gently nudge her out the door and lock it behind us.
“Not many people are, which is why he’s single.”
“Are you single?” Catriona asks Laura. “Not to be nosy, but is this a job you can do if you’re in a relationship?”
“Sure. I’m not doing overnight detail all the time and it’s not a twenty-four seven thing. You can’t do it all day long or you lose focus.”
“Oh, right. You said you work in shifts.”
“Yup.” Laura summons the elevator cab while I keep an eye on the stairway exits. “In the morning, you’ll get Harry and Fred. They’re nice guys. I bet Harry even brings you coffee and donuts.”
“That’d be nice,” Catriona says.
I frown. If Catriona wants donuts and coffee, I’ll be supplying those along with anything else she needs.
“I’ll buy them,” I say.
“I said, I’ll buy them.”
“Buy what?”
They’re both looking at me like I’ve got horns sprouting out of the top of my head. “The donuts. Coffee. I’ll get them.”
“I’m not hungry,” Catriona says.
“Not now. Tomorrow. In the morning.”
“Why would you buy them if Harry’s bringing breakfast? Seems like a waste.” The elevator cab arrives. Stifling a laugh, Laura pushes Catriona behind her while I wait for the doors to open.
“Do you think someone is inside?” Catriona says in a loud whisper.
“You can never be too safe,” Laura replies.
The cab is empty. I motion for the two of them to get on. Laura guides Catriona to the rear of the car and I stand against the side with the suitcase in the center. If someone is going to drop from above, they’ll have to navigate the luggage and while they’re doing that, I’ll shoot them between the eyes.
“Are there really that many dangers in the elevator?” Catriona says. “I know in the movies people drop down from above and the one guy ate the face off of the police officer, but that’s the movies, right?”
This time even Laura doesn’t respond so as not to burst Catriona’s bubble.
“Right,” Laura answers finally. We hit the ground floor, and I lead the way with Catriona sandwiched between us.
“Wow, you have a gun on you,” Catriona whispers again very loudly, eying the outline of my shoulder holster through my jacket. A couple of heads turn in our direction. I scowl and they go back to minding their own business.
“I didn’t really take the threats seriously, but now I’m slightly worried.” She takes a breath and I can hear the quaver.
“No need to worry. You have us.” I push through the lobby of the apartment building and out onto the street. It’s most dangerous here in the open space, which is why our SUV is parked illegally in the front of the building. We have diplomat tags on it so that the vehicle doesn’t get towed or ticketed. I slide open the rear doors and hand Catriona inside. There’s an anxious expression on her face that twists my gut up. I remind myself that caring for my clients is bad for business. I need to keep a cool head, but seeing her fear makes me angry and mad. She’s too good and decent to be in this position. Whoever put that look on her face is going to pay. “No one’s going to hurt you. Not now. Not ever.”
Chapter 5
I gasp, jerking awake, my heart pounding in my chest. I bite the inside of my cheek trying not to whimper. What the hell was that? I close my eyes, taking a deep, long breath trying to calm myself down. I never dream. Well, everyone dreams, but I hardly ever remember mine. I press my thighs together, feeling the wetness from the orgasm I had in my dream. I’m not going to be forgetting that one for a while.