Page 94 of Saved By Her Alpha Wolves
All nine kids leaped up, whooping and howling with excitement as Lily jogged over.
“Meet me at the pond, kids! And Jack, if you throw Chloe in again, I’ll practice tying knots on you.”
I snorted with laughter at Jack’s indignant expression before he shot off in hot pursuit of Chloe. Lily grinned at me and her smile faded a bit when I grimaced in pain.
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah, just feeling it today.” My swollen belly rippled as another sharp pain stabbed me. That was the second one in as many minutes. Maybe the guys were right. Maybe I had been overdoing things.
“I’m going to rest. Good luck with the kids. They’re feral today.”
Lily laughed. “Don’t worry about me. I have some fun things lined up for them to do. None of them will have any energy left by the time I’m done with them!”
She ran off into the trees and I set off back toward our temporary home.
Tanner was waiting for me on the porch of the small cabin we were occupying while our new home was being built to Cole’s exacting specifications. When I paused on the first step, my back hunched over with pain, his brow creased with concern.
“Stop looking at me like that. I’m fine!” I lied, just as an even stronger pain hit so hard I whimpered at the intensity.
“Eva, you’re not fine! I’m calling the healer!” He picked me up like I weighed nothing and jogged inside the cabin.
“Silas, our cub’s coming! Call Cole!”
Epilogue 2
Another 5 months later
The sun set over the top of the trees, painting everything in a golden red glow. In the distance, I could hear the younger kids shrieking as Lily’s wolf hunted them through the forest. It was their favorite game.
The baby nuzzled my chest, his hungry little mouth searching for milk. I sighed.
He’d only been asleep for thirty minutes and I was hoping for a longer nap, but it was not to be. Our son was like his fathers; he had an unending fascination with my boobs and liked nothing better than sucking on them.
I pulled aside my shirt just as Silas walked out. His eyes lit up at the sight of our son latching on to my swollen breast.
“Don’t even think about it,” I warned.
“What?” He sat down next to me on the swing seat and pouted adorably. “I can’t help it if I’m in love with your milky, sexy breasts.” Before I could stop him, his hand slid inside my shirt and caressed my other breast. “They’re so big,” he marveled.
“Because they’re full of milk, for our son,” I pointed out, trying not to laugh at his pathetic little whimper when I yanked my shirt closed, blocking his view.
“Ah, there you are,” Tanner said, shoving his phone back in his pocket. His gaze softened when he saw Connor guzzling greedily at my breast, his small hands fisting my shirt. “When Connor is done, we need to head over to the cabin. Cole wants your opinion on something.”
“Can’t he just ask me over the phone?” It felt like the cabin rebuild was taking forever. I’d naively thought everything would be ready before Connor arrived, but according to Cole, problems sourcing various bits and pieces for the kitchen and bathrooms had caused delays. He assured me the cabin would be finished soon, but I wasn’t holding my breath.
Not that I minded living in our temporary home here on pack lands. It was comfortable enough. Having Lily and Cilla nearby was a bonus, too. But as nice as it was being here, surrounded by people who adored Connor and were always happy to take him off my hands for an hour, I was ready to move into our own home where we could be a family.
“No, he wants you to come over.” I sighed.
“OK, once I’ve finished feeding Connor and changed him, we can go.”
We’re on our way. I read the text from Tanner and smiled. The cabin was finally ready, but we’d hidden it from Eva, so she was in for a surprise. For weeks now, we’d been putting the finishing touches in place. The main delay had been Connor’s arrival, and the fact none of us could bear to leave our mate and son for more than an hour at a time.
Rebuilding the cabin had turned into a labor of love. Rufus’s FBI contact pulled some strings and erased Carlos’s name from the fire chief’s report, so the investigation into the fire was over quickly. After the insurance company signed off on the claim, we cleared the site and had plans for a new, larger cabin drawn up.