Page 92 of Saved By Her Alpha Wolves
Honestly, it was surprising none of my mates had spotted the signs, although Silas did comment on the fact my breasts were bigger when he ravished me in the shower this morning.
The idea I might be pregnant had hovered in the back of my mind since the Full Moon party, when I’d seen piles of raw steak and immediately felt nauseous.
My stomach wasn’t usually that sensitive. I didn’t mind preparing raw meat or eating rare steak. Yet that night, even the thought of bloody steak had me wanting to vomit.
My periods were never regular, but I’d not had one since just before Christmas. I might have given my suspicions more thought if Tanner hadn’t gone off at the deep end after my chat with Nala. After that, my mind was firmly on him. And then the kidnapping happened.
Brent had come close to killing me, but the little bean inside me survived. It was truly a miracle. If he’d known I was pregnant, he would have tried harder to kill me.
Carlos too.
“Are you OK?” Cole sounded worried. He probably assumed I had PTSD after the fire. I was struggling, but in the short-term, what I needed was a hot shower and then a nap. My little bean was sapping all my energy.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” I replied before flushing the toilet and washing my hands.
He was waiting when I opened the door. I tried to smile as he escorted me back into the kitchen.
“Here, drink this. It might settle your stomach,” Cilla said with a smile. “It’s my grandmother’s concoction. We women swear by it when the sickness starts.” She winked at me as I took the steaming hot mug, grateful for anything that might help.
“Do we need to call the healer? Do you have burns?” Tanner looked worried as he examined my exposed skin.
“Stop clucking,” Cilla admonished. “Eva is fine. You guys really need to sit down and have a chat, though, so we’ll leave you be for a bit.” Rufus frowned in confusion as she dragged him away and closed the door firmly in their wake.
“What’s going on?” Cole asked.
Silas tried to pull me into his arms. “Are you sick from the smoke?”
I stepped back and glanced between them all, unsure of how to start the conversation, but then Silas inhaled deeply and his entire face lit up with a beaming smile.
“I can’t believe we haven’t figured it out already!” he laughed. “God, we’re such idiots.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Tanner growled, not amused in the slightest by Silas’s knowing grin.
“Does Eva smell different to you? And I don’t mean smoke or BBQ.” Silas asked.
“Well yes,” Cole replied. He paused, canting his head to one side as if having an internal conversation. “My wolf says…oh!”
“What??” Tanner looked between them, unable to figure out what the other two knew and he didn’t. So I took hold of his hand and squeezed it.
“Tanner, I’m fine. I’m—”
“Our mate is pregnant!” Silas yelled, punching the air with excitement.
Tanner turned to me. “You’re having our cub?”
“I think so. I’ve not done a test, but all the signs point to me being pregnant, and the healer said something about the two of us being fine when I first came round. So I guess she knew. Cilla seems to know too, although I have no idea how.”
“I’m calling the healer now.” Tanner pulled his phone out and made a call.
“I’m fine!” God, if he carried on treating me like I was too fragile to leave my bed, I’d be driven to despair by the time the baby arrived.
“Baby, you’ve been through a lot. Please, let me worry about you.” I softened. Of course, he was worried. I got it. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight.
“Eva, I love you so much. I just want to keep you safe.”
“I love you too. Although I pity any daughter we have. The poor girl will end up locked in her room for 18 years.”
“Too right, I’ve seen at first hand how much trouble a female can get into,” he muttered.