Page 78 of Don't Fall For Your Best Friend
A tear runs down her cheek and I kiss the spot, feeling like my heart is going to explode in my chest if she doesn’t say something besides what.
“I’m in love with you too, Paxton Atwood.”
I crash my lips to hers. In this moment, my entire world has just shifted and righted itself. Everything I thought was just a fantasy is now real.
She feels the same. She’s mine. She’ll always be mine.
I break the kiss and rest my forehead against hers. “Fuck, Hartford. I’m going to make you so happy.”
“So, what does this mean?” she asks.
I pull back and trace my thumb down her cheek. “What it means is our friendship has always been my favorite thing in the world and it was the perfect segue to us being in a romantic relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend. You’re mine, and I’m yours, for the rest of our lives. You want to get married and have kids, I’ll book the church. You want to move in together, I’ll put the deposit on the house. I’m all in, Hartford—forever.”
“I feel the same,” she says, smiling up at me. She giggles and I raise an eyebrow. “Everyone will flip out.”
I chuckle. “Apparently, everyone knew but us, so I don’t think it’s going to be much of a shock for anyone.”
“Seriously?” she asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah, seriously.” I kiss her lips again and grin. “You know, I’ve wanted you since high school.”
She tosses her head back. “You’re full of it.” When she notices the seriousness on my face, her laughter dies out. “You’re for real?”
I nod, searching her gorgeous face. “I’m for real. I buried the feelings, but they were always there. I was serious last night when I told you that you’ve been teasing and tempting me.”
“I wish you would’ve said something,” she says, touching my cheek.
“Thank goodness for your BDSM assignment,” I say, covering her hand with mine.
“Yes, exactly.”
Just thinking about it makes my cock harden. “Just because you finished your article doesn’t mean we need to stop exploring. How about you get my handcuffs and we’ll go back to my place and play out another fantasy of mine?”
Her eyes heat as she stares at me. Damn, she’s stunning. I just became the luckiest bastard in the world and I will never forget it.
“This is going to be a lot of fun,” she says.
“Oh, baby, you have no idea.”
Have you ever experienced everything falling into place so perfectly that you can’t recall how you reached this point in your life? This spot where you’re truly, and utterly happy.
I’ve always had Paxton by my side as my best friend but having him as my boyfriend is a million times better.
We’re sitting in Pour Some Sugar On Me and laughing at the story Harrison is telling us.
“And then February hopped behind the counter of my shop and proceeded to take my order.”
I giggle as I picture February doing what he said. “No, why?”
February offers a sheepish grin, putting her hand out to stop Harrison from continuing the story. “Let me start out by saying that I wasn’t technically spying on his shop. Just getting a feel for it.”
“Yeah, right,” Anya says from beside me.
Paxton sits on the other side of me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Tripp and Brock are both here as well. Harrison and February are telling us the story of how they met. I’d never heard it before, and it’s an adorable meet-cute. Though I’m sure it wasn’t that great for February at the time.