Page 29 of Don't Fall For Your Best Friend
I nod. “I do care for him.” I need to change the subject before I profess my undying love for Paxton.
I do not love him. As a friend, sure. Not as a romantic love interest.
No, absolutely not.
“So, what can I help you find today?” Millie asks, changing the subject.
I knew I liked her.
I smile and clap my hands together. “Well, I don’t know. What new books have you got?”
Millie’s turquoise eyes shine as she points at a cabinet near the front of the store. “Just got in several new thrillers. And the new Nora Roberts book.”
I don’t think I can handle anything romantic right now. “Show me the thrillers,” I say. As we walk over to the shelf, I ask, “What book are you reading for the book club, ladies?”
“This month’s a good one. We’re reading Emma by Jane Austen. It’s a great friends-to-lovers romance,” Millie says.
“I always love a good friends-to-lovers romance,” Claire says while winking at me.
I nod, not needing the reminder of Paxton being my friend. This is ridiculous. We will not end up together.
This assignment is harder than I thought.
I pull the first thriller I see off the shelf, thankful there’s zero romance in it, and purchase it. After saying goodbye, I leave the store and head in the direction of the coffee shop I love so much. I need my daily dose of caffeine to make it through this day.
Nerves race through my body as I stare at my outfit in the full-length mirror in my bedroom. Wow. The black bodysuit clings to every inch of my body. For a clothing item that covers me completely, I feel naked. Underneath, I’ve got on a pair of black panties with a matching black bra.
I’m sticking to the panties rule.
I run my fingers through my hair, letting the soft curls bounce around my shoulders. I put on heavier makeup today because it makes me feel sexy, and I liked the way Paxton couldn’t stop staring at me at dinner the other night.
When the doorbell rings, my nerves kick up, making me nearly wobble in my heels as I hurry to the front door and open it.
“Fucking holy wow,” Paxton says. He steps inside and shuts the door quickly. “Don’t want anyone else seeing you like this.”
“What do you think?” I do a little twirl.
He leans his head back against the door, closing his eyes. “I’ve never seen you in anything so sexy. I need a moment.”
I swat at his arm playfully. “You’ve seen me in a bikini. This bodysuit covers everything.”
His eyes sweep over my body, leaving chills in their wake. “Yeah, it’s just so tight.” He holds up a coil of rope in his hand. “I bought this online. It’s made from hemp, so it’s softer than other ropes.”
“Ah, thank you.” Is it weird that it turns me on that he’s thinking about my comfort?
“Damn, I can’t believe I’m about to tie you up.”
“Be gentle,” I tell him.
He steps closer. “Always. Your safety is my number one concern.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “You remember the safe word, right?”
“Good girl.”
For the next fifteen minutes, Paxton ties me up to the frame of my bed. My hands are above my head, and I couldn’t move, even if I tried, and for a quick second I panic.