Page 10 of Don't Fall For Your Best Friend
And then I shut my phone off.
Chapter Five
“You look fine. I’m sure people at this community munch aren’t going to be dressed in gimp suits.” Paxton smiles at me as we turn into the parking area at Danbury Park in Saint Pierce on a sunny afternoon.
“What’s a gimp suit?” I’m not cut out for this. This term is something I haven’t come across in my searches yet, so I open my black composition notebook, ready to take notes.
“A gimp suit is an all-black leather suit with the mask. Usually the gimp is on a leash.”
“Oh, like in Pulp Fiction.”
Paxton glances at me as he parks his Jeep Rubicon. “The fact you know Pulp Fiction is the reason we’re best friends.”
“That’s the only reason?” I raise an eyebrow. “Not the mutual love of Pad Thai, or our love of all movies? Or the fact that I’m the only person who will put up with your infatuation with rubber duckies.” I point to the line of rubber ducks along his dashboard.
“I like having all my ducks in a row.” He drums his fingers lightly on the steering wheel.
I pluck a pink rubber duck wearing a gold chain, cowgirl hat, and aviator sunglasses from the dash. “This is my favorite.”
“I got that one here in Saint Pierce. At Club Greed.”
I shake my head. “It’s still insane to me how loyal Jeep owners are about this.”
There’s a thing called Jeep Ducking. Jeep owners leave rubber ducks on other Jeep owners’ vehicles when they’re out and about. Then, the owners put their ducks in a row along their dashboard. I once tried to put a rubber duck on the dashboard of my Beetle, and Paxton vetoed the action. Said it could only be done with Jeep owners. So, I tossed the rubber duck in my glove box, and that is where he remains until this day.
“It’s a Jeep cult.” He shuts off the engine, and we both glance out the windshield to see if we spot any people in gimp outfits outside.
I don’t know how to act. Will people ask Paxton or me about our sex life?
I hop out of the Jeep and start second-guessing my outfit choice when I survey the people. Since Google wasn’t helpful about what to expect at today’s community munch, I wore what I felt would be appropriate to blend in. I sneak a peek at my fishnet stockings and consider ditching them, because I’m giving off an emo Britney Spears vibe with my plaid skirt and black cropped top. I topped off the look with clunky black boots that I bought on a whim years ago.
Because I’m ridiculous, I put my auburn hair in pigtails, but after observing the normalcy of the park, I decide to set my hair free.
“What are you doing?” Paxton asks as I release one pigtail. He walks around his Jeep to meet me on the passenger side.
“I feel weird with the pigtails.”
He tugs at the one still up and smirks. “It’s cute. Like handlebars.”
I smack at him playfully. “You did not just say that about my pigtails.” I take the other one out and comb my hair with my fingers.
We head to the gazebo by the river where the meeting is taking place. On the way there, we receive a few glances from various people. I tell myself it’s because Paxton looks ridiculously handsome in blue jeans and a black Polo shirt, and not because my skirt barely covers my nether regions.
“Are you nervous?” I ask him because I certainly am.
He glances over at me. “I don’t get nervous.”
“That can’t be true. I’m sure you get nervous about some things. Remember the senior play? You were nervous before performing.”
He shakes his head. “I hated that Coach made us perform in Romeo and Juliet. I seriously didn’t want to be in it.”
“You were a phenomenal Friar Laurence.”
He rolls his green eyes playfully. “Yeah, sure. And to answer your question, yes, I remember, and no, I wasn’t nervous.”