Page 134 of King of Sloth (Kings of Sin)
“Still unclear.” I summarized the meeting for her. “It’s Alex, so he’ll figure it out and put in safeguards to ensure something similar doesn’t happen again while I repair the club.”
Sloane stilled, her eyes flaring with surprise and a wary hope that poured fresh fuel into mine. Hope meant she still cared, and if she still cared, that meant an infinitesimally larger chance of winning my upcoming gamble.
“That’s the second thing,” I said more quietly. “I’m going ahead with the Vault. You and Alex were both right, and I don’t care if I pass the deadline and don’t get my inheritance. That’s no longer what the club is about. I just needed a kick in the ass to realize it.” A sardonic smile crossed my mouth. “Or two.”
Sloane’s gaze flickered with another emotion I couldn’t name before she slammed a steel gate over it. “Good. There’s no use wasting the effort you’ve already put into it.”
“Final thing.” I took a step closer, my eyes trained on hers.
“Our trial period doesn’t end until tomorrow, which means we’re not over yet. Not officially.”
Sloane’s grip on her pen tightened. “I already made my decision.”
“It doesn’t count when there’s still time to change your mind.”
Her mouth quivered for a split second before flattening into a straight line. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
Pain laced her voice, and that was enough to spur me on. I hated seeing her hurt, but if that meant I was getting through to her, I would bear it.
“I’ll make it as hard as I can,” I said fiercely. “I love you, Sloane, and if you think I’m letting you go that easily, you’re mistaken. I’ve spent half my life running from the hard stuff and taking the easy way out because I’d never wanted anything enough toworkfor it.” I swallowed. “Then I met you, and I finally understood what people meant when they said love is worth fighting for. I know it sounds like a cliché, and if you heard this in a movie, you’d probably write a scathing review about it”—Sloane choked out a laugh—“but I mean it. I’ve learned to fight for what’s important, and there’snothingin this world that’s more important to me than you. Not the club, not my inheritance, not my reputation.”
I took another step closer, desperate to touch her but knowing I couldn’t.
“I know you’re afraid,” I said. “Hell, I am too. I’ve never been in love, and I’ve neverwantedto be in love. I have no idea what people do in these situations, which is probably why I’m here, making an ass of myself.” A hint of self-deprecation slipped into my voice. “If you truly don’t feel anything for me, then I accept that.”Even if it kills me. “But if you do, even the tiniest bit, then don’t do what I used to do. Don’t run away from what could be because you’re afraid of whatmightbe.”
It was blunt, but Sloane had always responded best to directness. It was one of the many things I loved about her.
“I won’t lie and say I know what our future looks like. No one does. But Idoknow that whatever happens, we’ll figure it together,” I said softly. “We always do.”
Sloane didn’t move, didn’t speak, but her eyes shone with suspicious brightness.
I took a deep breath and braced myself for what I was about to say. “Tomorrow, top of the Empire State Building. Meet me at midnight.” That was when our trial period officially expired. “If you don’t show…” I swallowed past the glass shards in my throat. “I’ll know what your answer is, and I’ll never mention this again.” Sloane let out another watery-sounding laugh. “Are youSleepless in Seattle-ing me?”
“Gossip Girl, actually. Doris was a big fan,” I said with a fleeting smile. Then my face sobered, and my voice softened into something more tender. “I know you think happily ever afters are unrealistic, Luna, but they don’t have to be. You just have to believe in them enough for yourself.”
She didn’t respond. I hadn’t expected her to, but when I walked out, my heart knotted in my throat, I couldn’t help but second guess my strategy.
I’d taken a huge gamble by giving Sloane an ultimatum, but we were the same in as many ways as we were different. She needed that push.
I just hoped that in doing so, I hadn’t made the worst mistake of my life.
Icouldn’t stop checking the time.
It was one in the afternoon; there were eleven hours until my trial period with Xavier expired, but the looming deadline killed my appetite as I pushed my salad around my plate.
If you don’t show up, I’ll know what your answer is, and I’ll never mention this again.
The end of our relationship aside, what would happen if I didn’t show up? Would we stop working together? Would I never see him again? Would the past two months disappear into the past like they’d never happened?
I should be happy about that. That was what Iwanted, but if that were the case, why did I feel nauseous?
The few forkfuls I’d forced down earlier churned in my stomach. Cutting all ties with Xavier would be the smartest thing to do. We couldn’t return to our old working relationship when I knew how his lips tasted, and how he felt inside me, and how he held me like—
“Hellooo. Earth to Sloane.” Isabella waved her hand in front of my face, severing my spiraling thoughts. “Where are you?”