Page 117 of King of Sloth (Kings of Sin)
I shrugged. “Man’s ego is always his downfall.” A tiny smile crept across my mouth. “Plus I may have planted a rumor that an upstart blog was about to scoop him on the scandal of the year.”
Besides his general mean-spiritedness, Perry was famous for his paranoia over someone usurping his throne.
“His advertisers are already spooked,” I added. “If this libel suit has legs, which I think it does, there’ll be an exodus, which means he’ll need money, which means…”
“It’ll be primed for a takeover,” Xavier finished. “Kai Young?”
“He emailed me yesterday. He said he’s open to it if the price and conditions are right.” I didn’t doubt Kai’s ability to squeeze the best deal out of Perry’s soon-to-be-dying blog.
“So you’ll be rid of Perry Wilson the man, and you’ll ensure his only remaining platform will be in friendlier hands.” Xavier whistled. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“I don’t do stuff like this often, but he deserves it,” I said. It wasn’t about just me or Xavier; it was about the entire culture Perry had propagated. Gossip and rumors had always existed, but he’d taken them to a new nasty, underhanded level.
And yeah, okay, it was also alittlepersonal. My blood boiled every time I thought about his blog post on Pen. Attacking adults was one thing; dragging a child into it was another.
“If I had access to my inheritance, I’d buy it out and save you the trouble,” Xavier said. “I’ve always wanted a little slice of the internet kingdom.”
I laughed. “I appreciate the sentiment, but the thought of you running a news blog is terrifying.”
“You don’t think I can do it?”
“I think you can do ittoowell.” Except instead of celebrity news, he’d probably use it to document his adventures, many of which would land him squarely in the middle of the press’s crosshairs.
I tore off a piece of cupcake, my mind churning.If I had access to my full inheritance…
“If I ask you a question, will you answer truthfully?” I asked.
Xavier glanced at me, then grimaced and paused the movie. “Uh-oh. Nothing good ever comes after that opening.”
“It’s nothing bad,” I reassured him. “I’m just curious. Why do you want your inheritance so badly? It can’t be about just the money.”
At first glance, it seemed obvious why someone would want billions of dollars. But Xavier had his hang-ups about his father’s money, and while he blew through cash the way certain celebrities blew through cocaine, he didn’t strike me as someone who’d sit on that much money simply to have it.
“Why not?” he asked lightly. “Maybe I’m a greedy bastard, plain and simple.”
I merely looked at him without saying anything, and after a long, tense silence, his irreverence dissolved into a sigh.
“I’m giving half of it to charity.”
I almost choked on my cake. That wasn’t what I’d expected.
At all.
“Not that I don’t think giving to charity is admirable, but isn’t that exactly what your father’s will stipulates will happen to the money if you don’t pull off this CEO thing?” I asked.
“So why…” My question trailed off at Xavier’s smirk. My eyes narrowed and drifted to the tattoo of the Castillos’ rival family’s crest on his bicep. It represented the duality of Xavier: his stubbornness and resentment, but also his dedication and passion. He was the type of person who’d ink a permanent symbol of his war against his father on his body, and I suddenly knew exactly what the catch was. “You’re donating to charities your father hated, aren’t you?”
His smirk widened into a grin. “I wouldn’t say he hated the charities themselves,” he said. “But he certainly wouldn’t have approved of donating to some of their causes.”
He handed me his phone. The Notes app was open, and I scrolled through the list of charities he’d put together. Most of them focused on civil and human rights, with a few arts and music causes thrown in. I’d bet my apartment those were for his mom.
She loved art, so she donated a lot of money and time to local galleries.
I also flashed back to the organizations listed in Alberto’s will.
All of them had been business or commerce oriented.