Page 19 of The Wildflower
He flails, but he's out of shape and useless with the leverage I have over him.
"It really doesn’t have to be this way." I tilt my head and narrow my eyes, considering another option. "Unless she's inside, in which case I'll be entering, and you'll be unconscious."
His radio goes off, and I can hear someone asking for his status. Panic fills his eyes, and he fumbles to grab it, but I catch his hand and twist his wrist back. Not hard enough to break it but hard enough to prove a point.
"The girl..." I prompt.
He hisses out a breath and sags in my hold. Got him. I smile like the villain who just got the girl. "She's on campus. She went back to school today.”
“See, not as hard as you thought…” I release him with a little shove and take a step back, holding my hands up. Before he can right himself, I swivel and take off running down the street, punching a new address into the rideshare app. They won't catch me before I get to her, that's for sure. I kick myself in the ass for not using my bike. This racing around for rides is bullshit. Thankfully, someone is nearby, and I’m hopping in the back of a Kia Sportage a few minutes later.
The guy behind the driver's seat attempts to make small talk, but I’m not about that shit. I need to get to the library and find Bel. Otherwise, all of this will have been for nothing. It feels like it takes years to get back to campus. By the time we’re close enough, I’m hot enough to start a fire with my body heat alone.
“Pull over here,” I order the guy as the car reaches the edge of the football field. If I get out here, I’ll have a straight shot to the library.
He flounders but slows the car. “This isn’t the location you asked me to drop you off at.” I exhale and shake my head.
“Fucking stop!” I growl, and the car comes to a halt immediately. I’m aware that I’m a little unhinged, but I crave the pretty little blond bookworm who’s been trying to hide from me for the past month. Too bad for her, there will be no more hiding.
My desire for her intensifies, and a coil of need winds tighter and tighter the closer I get to her. I force my legs to move faster and break out into a full run toward the library doors. I shove through the double doors, nearly plowing into a group of girls. I can feel their angry glares on me, but I don’t give a fuck. My heart hammers against my rib cage as I scan the expansive space for her familiar messy topknot.
Each second that passes without proof that she’s here makes my blood pressure climb. Higher and higher it goes. What if the guard lied? I suppose I’ll have to pay him another visit. I'm tempted to call out to her, but we haven't spoken in a while, and I don't want to scare her away. I remind myself that when it comes to Bel, I’m back at square one. All the work I put in to earning her trust is nothing but dust in the wind now. If I’m going to get her to listen to me, I’ll need to approach this differently.
Impatience blooms in my belly as I stalk toward her favorite set of desks. I notice a bag hanging off the chair and a few romance books stacked on the table, but there’s no Bel in sight. Shit.
Where is she?
I spin on the balls of my feet and scan the area, raking my gaze over every person in the room, shifting behind the desk toward the stacks to get a better look and make sure she’s not hiding somewhere. My heart threatens to catapult out of my chest when I spot her standing next to the window.
The streaks of sunlight make her look like she’s wearing a halo. I swear to fucking god, I stop breathing for half a second. Piercing green eyes. Blond strands are held haphazardly on the top of her head in a messy bun, just as expected. My tongue darts out of my mouth, and I lick my lips like the true predator I am.
Relax. Don’t scare her.
I watch her curiously, missing this so much there aren’t even words to describe it. Sebastian was right. The little wallflower has grown into a wildflower. Gone are the oversized sweatshirts she adored before. She's wearing designer jeans and a tight white top that makes her tits look great, and my mouth waters at the image before me.
Fucking hell, why didn't I put her in better clothes when I had her?
I suck a ragged breath into my lungs. To be anxious or nervous is unlike me, but Bel is different. Always was. I’m so afraid I’m going to fuck this up again, that I’m going to have to force her to do what I want her to do, and we both know that’s not what I want. I need her submission, her sweet, fragile trust. I swallow the lump in my throat. Here goes nothing.
"Bel.” I whisper her name.
Her eyes shift from the book she’s holding right to me like she heard me even though we are several feet apart. She has yet to really see me, and I take a hesitant step forward.
“Bel.” I say her name a little louder this time. “It’s time we talked about things.”
That makes the light bulb go off in her head. I watch as her eyes fill with shock or maybe even fear. I can’t really be sure which it is when they mirror one another so closely. I choose to go with the second when her foot slides backward. Fuck me. I know what she’s about to do, and it’s so incredibly stupid.
“Don’t do it,” I snarl, the animalistic beast barely contained under the cold mask I wear. If she wants to tempt me, nothing will do that quite like the thrill of a chase.
Those pretty emerald eyes of hers flick around the library, looking for an exit, a way to escape me, but what she doesn’t understand is that she can never escape me.
Bel will never be free of me, no matter how much she cries, begs, or pleads.
I inch closer, and just like the gazelle sensing danger, she notices the movement, her gaze ping-ponging between me and the stacks.
Do it. Run, Flower. Run as fast as you can.
Every drop of blood in my body heads south, pumping furiously into my thickened cock. I’m grappling for control over the primal desire to chase her and fuck her into submission but remind myself that this is so much more than sex. I need to rein in my primal instincts, at least for right now, but seeing her again after all this time is harder than I anticipated.