Page 110 of The Wildflower
My thoughts take a nosedive into darkness when my father takes a step toward Richard, then turns to face us. All the air in the room is sucked out when I see the glint of metal as he pulls out a gun. Of course. I should’ve expected him to have a weapon. I’m so fucking stupid. The plan is crumbling in my hands.
With a murderous glare, he trains the muzzle on Bel, and I instantly grasp the hilt of my own handgun, pulling it free of my waistband. I point the muzzle directly at his face with my finger on the trigger.
“If you want to play whose cock is bigger, I’m pretty sure I’m going to win.”
My father narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t know why I had any belief in you. I should’ve known something was up when you agreed so easily to my demand.”
All I can do is shrug. “What do you want me to say, Dad?” I hope he doesn’t miss the emphasis I put on the name. “You opened that door and pushed me inside. I don’t think you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for this day to happen.”
His eyebrow arches. “And what day is that, son? The day I finally put you in the ground?”
My father and I are lost in a stare off, our guns pointed at one another. It’s only a matter of time before one of us pulls the trigger. One of us is going to die, maybe even both of us. All I know is that when this is over, even if I die, the fucker is going to die too. Shouting off to the left of the room gathers both of our attention.
I turn my head the briefest just enough to get a peek at what’s going on, refusing to take an eye off my father and find Sebastian behind one of the guards, who is kneeling, a gun in his hand, the barrel pressed to the back of his head.
The other is standing as Sebastian holds a wicked-looking serrated blade against his throat. In the all-black sweater, jeans, and combat boots he’s rocking, with his hair falling forward over his eyes, he’s giving some serious badass assassin vibes right now. I can’t help but smile despite the fucked-up situation.
The air in the room becomes hotter, the tension rising, making it even more difficult to breathe. Focus. Don’t let him get to you. Movement catches my eye, and I swing my weapon toward Richard, who tucks his cards into his pockets before raising his hands palm up.
The guard holding the doctor has his gun pointed at Sebastian.
“Well, one of us will have to make a move soon or we’ll be standing here all night,” I say.
Bel makes a small sound beside me, and I shift away from her. The movement leaves her unprotected, but I’m not stupid. She’s not really the one my father wants to kill, at least not until he gets every penny Sebastian took from him.
No way in hell will that happen, not when I have a Desert Eagle pointed at his head. It will make such a satisfying hole too.
“Let’s discuss this like adults. What do you want, Drew?”
“You. Dead.”
“Hmm, and what do you think the outcome of doing that will be? I have guards, more on the way likely. Do you really plan to murder me in cold blood right here in my own office, much less in front of an officer of the court?”
“I’m not scared. I’m prepared for this to end in the worst way. All that matters is making certain you take your last breaths in this office.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Richard, whose face definitely says leave me the fuck out of it. He keeps quiet, letting us carry on without his input.
“My death will not fix whatever it is that you’re trying to fix. Killing me solves nothing.”
“It solves everything!” I growl. “The only thing you deserve is death, and I’m going to make certain you get nothing short of that.”
Even when facing death head-on, he still doesn't have the balls to admit his wrongdoings. Red-hot rage blisters through me. I hate him for destroying me and ruining my life. For hurting my mother. For taking every good thing in my life and killing it.
I know I’m letting him get the best of me, and I need to keep a clear headspace, but I can’t stop the reaction from bubbling up and out of me.
A bitter laugh rips from his throat. “Do you really think you can end me and walk out of this office without your own death taking place?”
I shrug. “You fire, I fire back, and if you somehow manage to kill me or hurt me enough that I can’t shoot you, then Sebastian will kill you for me. Either way, you will die here. Today. By my machinations. Your luck has run the fuck out, and I’m done being under your control.”
My father smiles, and it takes me a minute to realize he’s always smiled like that. Slightly unhinged and ready for anything. It’s why I’ve never really been able to fight back. I’ve never known which side of him I was going to get. One day, he might take me to the movies and treat me to anything I want. Then the very next day, he might beat me to within an inch of my life for looking at him wrong.
Has he always been this unstable and have I just been blind to it?
“I know you don’t want to kill me. All this is, is built up anger and resentment. Think rational, Son.” His voice drops low, becoming almost soothing.
I shake my head, my sweaty finger moves against the trigger. “That’s where you’re wrong. I do want to kill you. I want to kill you like you killed me. I want to put a bullet deep inside you for every time you ripped a piece of my soul out of my body, for every beating I had to endure, for every hateful word slung at me. I didn’t deserve to be treated like I did as a little boy, but you didn’t care. You still don’t. The only thing you care about is yourself.” I’m like a dam breaking. All the pain and sadness rips through me like water escaping through the cracks. “Even now, while facing death, you only care about yourself. It’s pathetic, sickening, and I’m ready to end your pitiful life so I don’t have to deal with you anymore, and I can be free.”
“Killing me won’t change anything. You’ll still be the pathetic piece of shit you’ve always been, regardless of how much I tried to fix you. It’s a shame your mother and I couldn’t have children of our own. I always wondered if I had a son with Marshall blood pumping in his veins if things would be different.” There’s a new thread of malice braiding his tone.