Page 7 of Big Bad Boss: Moon Mad
I stare up at him with shock. Did he actually buy me a coffee? I rotate the cup to read the label. It’s a vanilla latte. The Big Bad Boss brought me coffee. Color me…shocked?
“I have to smell it every day,” he says dryly, like my coffee choice offends him.
I had a game plan today–to play it professional. I was prepared for him to either do the same or to act overly-familiar, at which point I would initiate a conversation about us returning to boss-employee relations.
What I didn’t plan on was this…weird…behavior.
“You’re staying.” He practically snarls it. Like we were having an argument, and this is his rebuttal.
I pick up the coffee. “You bought me a coffee to make sure I don’t quit?” As far as gestures go, it’s pretty meager, and I let that opinion leak into my tone.
“No.” He looks grim. This is definitely his you’re-getting-fired face.
Nothing makes sense this morning.
He looks down at the coffee like he has absolutely no idea how it got there. “The coffee is…” –he gives an impatient jerk of his head– “I don’t know what the coffee is for, but you’re staying. I need you–as my assistant. Understood?”
Why do I feel like I’m getting spanked by the boss instead of praised? I pride myself on reading my employer, but this morning, I’m at a complete loss.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” I pick up the coffee and take a sip, holding his dark gaze. “Sir.”
Blackthroat makes a low growling sound in his throat, turns on his heel, and heads into his office without further comment.
“Thanks for the coffee, Big Bad,” I snark under my breath.
I swear I hear him say “You’re welcome” from the other side of the door, but that would be impossible because there’s no way he could hear me from in there.
I pick up the phone. “Thank you for holding, how may I help you?”
“Oh Madi, good. I’m glad you’re there. It’s Ruby Blackthroat.”
“Oh, hi! Sorry to keep you holding. Br–er, Mr. Blackthroat–just walked in.”
“I’m actually calling for you.” Ruby’s voice is warm, like we’re friends now. Like I’m not just the help anymore. “I wanted to make sure you were okay after nearly going into hypothermia on Thanksgiving.”
Well, that’s nice. At least someone in the Blackthroat family acts like a normal human being.
“I am. I’m fine, thank you. And it was great to get home in time to have pie with my family that night. Sorry I didn’t say a proper goodbye. I was sort of hustled out when there was a break in the weather.”
“Oh, I know. No need to apologize.”
“Thank you for everything–lending me your clothes, and–”
“Of course, of course,” she cuts in. “I just wanted to say…well, I’m glad Brick has you–I mean someone like you. He runs through assistants faster than I use up Post-it Notes, and I’m the queen of Post-its, so it’s nice that he can rely on you.”
Okay, now she’s acting weird, too. Am I getting fired today? What was said about me after I left?
“Oh…yes. Thanks.”
“All right. Sorry. I don’t mean to make it awkward. I was just checking to make sure you didn’t actually quit after everything that happened in the Berkshires. So… glad to hear you’re still there, and that’s all, really.”
This day is getting stranger by the moment. “Did you want to speak to Brick?”
“Yes, but I’ll call his cell later. Have a great day, Madi.”
“Thanks, Ruby, you, too.”
The moment I end the call, Blackthroat’s voice comes through on the intercom. “Madison, I need you to call a meeting–” The intercom cuts out, like he took his finger off the button. I lean forward to peer through the window to his office and see him stab the button back down. “Come to my office, Madison.”