Page 28 of Big Bad Boss: Moon Mad
“Why would you wait for us?” Blackthroat demands the moment the elevator doors close.
“Because you’re my children,” she says simply, ignoring the confrontation in his tone.
“We’re not walking in there together like we’re united in any way.”
“We’re united by blood.” There’s a little more passion in Catherine’s voice now, but I hear angst there, too. Ruby’s shoulders hunch, and she doesn’t look at her mom or take her side. Eagle puts his hand on her lower back protectively.
“Hi Madi.” Catherine catches my eye. She’s called the office a couple times since Thanksgiving, making chit chat with me before asking to speak to Brick. Of course, he never takes her calls. It’s painful to witness her attempts and his rebuffs. It’s obvious they’re both hurting over their relationship.
Blackthroat scowls.
I send her a small, polite smile. “Good morning.”
What could it be that drove their family apart? It had to be the clients Adawulf poached from the Blackthroat firm. Brick must blame his mother for it.
I’m not the kind of person who takes on the tension of the people around me, so it’s like watching an engaging drama unfold. I’m fascinated by it all, recording every nuance and word to mull over later.
We step off the elevator and enter a large conference room with windows on two walls. Most of the seats are already taken by men who all bear a resemblance to Catherine, with sandy blond hair and prominent cheekbones.
The most beautiful one of them all, Aiden Adalwulf, is at the head of the table. He lifts his upper lip in a snarl as we come in. “What’s this?” His nostrils flare like I smell bad.
“You’ve met my assistant.” Blackthroat doesn’t introduce me by name, not that I expected him to. At least he called me assistant instead of secretary. I take no offense. Everything about him, from his unnatural good looks to his flat, raspy voice makes my skin crawl. I’d rather not be on his radar.
What does concern me is how Blackthroat’s eyes are still dead. He’s gone flat, emotionless–matching Aiden Adalwulf’s cold stare. But unlike Aiden, I can feel the emotions raging in Brick. He’s not unfeeling, he’s holding himself in check. Like barely-contained rage simmers beneath the surface, and he’s stepped back emotionally to keep it from erupting.
“She can wait outside,” Aiden says.
“No.” It’s not loud, but there’s something in the timber of Blackthroat’s voice that makes everyone at the table except for Aiden draw back.
Aiden stands. “This is a confidential meeting.”
“She’s signed an NDA,” Blackthroat says.
“Not for us, she hasn’t.”
“She stays.”
Blackthroat is in a pissing match with his cousin. Even though we’re on their turf and Adalwulf’s objections are valid, I get the feeling he’s going to win. The power behind his demand, his sheer force of will, is enough to shatter glass.
Aiden stares at him for a long beat then sits with a sour look on his narrow face. “Fine. There’s nothing to be discussed that won’t be made public, anyway.”
Ruby rolls her eyes.
There isn’t a seat for me at the table, but Blackthroat orders the Adalwulf Associates’ assistant, who is pouring water into glasses, to find me one.
She looks to Aiden first and only leaves after he nods. When she returns, she places the chair in the far corner near the door.
Okey dokey. Servants are relegated to corners. I already know this routine from Moon Co. I sit and pull out the notebook and pen, studying everyone at the table.
Nobody else has greeted Brick or Ruby or Eagle. It’s clear the animosity between the two families is thicker than any blood they share.
Aiden calls the meeting to order. As far as I can tell, it’s an ordinary board meeting. Minutes are read and approved. Finances reviewed. Ruby and Brick abstain from all votes. In fact, they do nothing but sit and glare at the other board members.
For the life of me, I can’t figure out why I’m here, but I stay sharp and take everything in.
The meeting is over in a couple hours, and we all stand to leave. I wait for Blackthroat before heading to the door.
One of the older men drops a sheaf of papers on the floor as he’s walking out the door. Aiden jerks back, ramming into me.