Page 1 of Big Bad Boss: Moon Mad
Chapter One
I trek through the woods, fresh snow crunching under my feet. The sun shines, refracting on the snow to make a billion tiny diamonds. I’m having a Dr. Zhivago moment, stunned by the beauty of the ice and nature-made snow sculptures all around me. I stop to investigate an icicle hanging from a tree, but a low growl makes me freeze.
I whirl to find I’m surrounded by a half-dozen giant wolves–snarling, angry, probably hungry wolves.
They advance on me slowly, their big paws sinking into the snow with each step. The largest one–the tan one with a black streak running from chin to chest leaps at me, and I scream–
I kick off the bedcovers.
A strong arm bands around me. “Hey,” a deep familiar voice reaches me, and the forest fades to a bedroom.
I jerk awake with a gasp.
“You okay?” Brick spoons me, his large body molded around mine.
“Oh my God.” I sit up, shoving my hair from my face. We’re in the guest room in the Berkshires. I can’t tell what time it is. “I dreamt wolves were chasing me in a snowstorm.”
Brick sits up, too, and I tug the sheet up to my armpits, suddenly aware I’m naked in a bed with my billionaire boss.
“Come here.” He hauls me into his lap, cradled sideways, my shoulders leaning back against one of his arms, my knees across his lap.
I’m shocked he wants to cuddle. Is this still a dream? I can’t seem to orient myself.
He tugs down the sheet and cups one of my breasts, like my body belongs to him. “I’m sorry about the wolves. And the blizzard. And for driving you out into it.”
I lift my brows. “Wow. Another apology? That’s two trophies I’m having made.”
He brushes a thumb across one of my nipples, and I relax into him at the sensual touch.
“Has anyone ever been attacked by wolves on your property before?”
“No. They don’t attack humans.”
“Oh, they were going to attack me.” The memory of the wolves surrounding me comes back, only now it’s muddled by the dream. Which one was real? I’m not usually so confused.
“Tell me what happened.” Brick is still toying with my nipple. There’s a familiarity between us like we’re long-time lovers.
“I was out in the blizzard. I thought I heard you calling me, so I tried to yell back, but my voice was giving out. I found a branch to bang against a tree to make noise.”
“That was good thinking.”
“Then suddenly, there were six wolves surrounding me, howling. One of them even came at me.”
Brick seems to stiffen. Finally he’s actually giving my experience some credence. “Came at you, how?”
“It came right up to me and almost sat on my foot.”
He relaxes. “That doesn’t sound aggressive, Windows. Was it showing you fangs? Growling?”
“Well, no.”
“What did it look like?”
“It was huge. Tan with black markings. It had a streak of black that ran from chin to chest.” I draw a line down my throat to show him.
Brick relaxes some more. “A female?”