Page 32 of Obey: Kings of California 2
Shoving a fist in my mouth, I bite down so I don’t make a sound as they hunt me, even stopping to look behind the bin and inside of it. I stay where I’m at long after they’ve left.
“Someone fucking find her!” I shout so loud that half a dozen men jump. Blue growls at my feet, still too weak from whatever drug he was injected with to stand steadily.
Somehow, whoever took my girl managed to get on the property without alerting security, drugged her dog, and knocked out the lights flooding the back patio, where she was nestled safely, waiting on me.
She should have been safe. There’s no fucking reason Soren should have had to worry for even a second about whether someone would attempt to take her from her home. They’ve forced me to break every promise I’ve made to Soren since the shooting. They’ve turned me into a liar in her eyes, and for that alone, I’ll end them all.
Already, Robert Stark is hanging on by a thread in my basement, and Matthew Chambers isn’t in much better shape. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to let the man live—if I even want to. He thought it was okay to sell his own daughter to a man who doesn’t have the faintest idea of how to treat her.
“Boss.” I turn at the sound of Zak’s voice. Eli and Joe are standing next to him. “We’ve got something.” Joe hands me a tablet showing a car speeding away from my property, carrying two men in the front seat.
“Who are they?”
“Abdul Karas’ men. He took her. There’s a warehouse on the docks.” I’m already in motion. Blue is slow to his feet, but he trails along behind me.
“You’ll bring her back, right?” Sally asks from the kitchen, where she’s been cooking up a storm because she doesn’t know what else to do.
“I will.” There is no other option. “Eli, have Craig and Drew get out of her father whether or not he had anything to do with this or if it was just Stark. If they believe he’s innocent, tell them to toss him at the nearest hospital; if not, he stays put.”
“On it. Want me to follow behind you?” I can tell he’s itching to cause some mayhem. Over the last few weeks, he and Soren have become close. She told me not long ago that Eli, Zak, and Joe were like the big brothers she never had. I know she cherishes that.
“Yes, she’ll want you there.” He nods and does as I asked. “Joe, load the SUV with the automatics we got in last week from Nick Gambino.” He’s off next. “Zak, do you have the plans of the warehouse, any surveillance so we know what we’re up against?” He taps the tablet a few times before handing it to me.
Hacked surveillance footage shows a dozen men in a single-story with several buildings surrounding it. Not too much for the four of us to handle. “Get a dozen men together. No one leaves that warehouse alive. The Karas family ends tonight.”
* * *
We’re a few blocks from the warehouse. Joe and Eli went around the east and west sides to scope out the area with two men each. Zak and I are waiting for their signal before going in with the rest of the men we brought.
“Boss, she got away from them.” Eli’s amused voice comes across the comms, and I can’t help but feel pride infuse me. Some of my worry lessens. It’s what may have happened to her before she escaped that still concerns me.
“Any idea where she is?” Zak is rolling back the footage on the camera as I speak.
“Got her.” Pointing to a garbage bin on the screen, I watch as she worms her way underneath it.
“Eli and Joe, I’m sending men your way; take the warehouse. Zak and I are going for Soren.” It takes minutes for everyone to get into motion and for us to locate the alley Soren snuck down.
Blue’s nose immediately goes to the ground, sniffing her out. It’s been hours since she was taken, so I can only imagine how terrified she’s feeling right now, and I fucking hate it.
“Blue?” I hear her whispered voice as she struggles to free herself from under the bin, getting caught by something. I curse when I hear her cry out and rush to her side.
“Baby girl.” For the first time in my life, tears sting the corner of my eyes, and I feel relief at seeing her again.
“Daddy!” she cries and falls into my arms, yelping when I pull her from the ground and pick her up.
“Shit, boss, there’s a big cut here.” Zak curses. As he grabs her leg, she whimpers and buries her face into my neck as Blue whines at my feet.
“Can she manage until we’re in the vehicle?” I don’t want to risk her being out here too much longer.
“Yeah, I’ll bandage her up there. She’s going to need stitches, though. Eli, what’s your ETA?” As soon as the question is posed through the comm link, we hear rapid gunfire around the corner. As much as the two of us would like to join in the fight, Soren is the only priority right now.
“You okay, sweet girl?” I feel her head nod, but I won’t be satisfied until I can run my hands across her body.
“Targets are down, boss. Karas brothers are still breathing,” Joe relays.