Page 16 of Obey: Kings of California 2
“Any chance I’ll get to spend a second with her before you whisk her away again? I assume she’s to be permanent in the house.” She doesn’t pose this as a question, which is good because it's facts, no matter how you look at it.
“Later, maybe.” I smirk as she scowls at me. Snatching a wrapped tray of freshly washed and cut fruit as well as a couple of bottles of water, I head back up to my girl.
“Dinner will be soon!” Sally calls after me.
I’m just about to take a step up the stairs when I hear the buzzer for the front gate. Zak exits the security office next to the front door with a look of disgust on his face. “Better get dressed, boss.”
Cursing inwardly, I wonder if murder is an option. “Who is it?”
His radio squawks as he responds, “Her father.”
I stiffen. “He doesn’t enter the house until I’m back down here.” Taking the stairs two at a time, I quietly enter the room. Blue lifts his head, but Soren is exactly how I left her. Fucked into a coma. Precisely how I’ll keep her for the foreseeable future.
Placing the water and fruit on the settee, I write a quick note in case she wakes up, letting her know I’m downstairs and I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Deciding to only slip into a pair of dress pants, I leave the shirt off and my feet bare. He needs to know sooner or later, and this will show him he’s intruding. Closing the door quietly behind me and striding down the stairs, I find Zak with a hand on the doorknob, raising a brow.
“He’s going to learn soon enough. She’s not leaving here, Zak.” I stare him down until he nods.
“Understood, boss.” Answering the door, we step outside, leaving the heavy oak panel open behind me. Arms crossed, I watch as Matthew Chambers exits his car, two bodyguards accompanying him. Fucking wuss.
His eyes watch me as he climbs the steps to my house one at a time. The leisurely stroll tells me all I need to know. He’s here for something other than his daughter.
“Mr. Lorde?” His gaze zeroes in on Zak, probably because he’s impeccably dressed, and I look like the lazy help who can’t be bothered to dress.
“Right here,” I grunt.
“Oh, well…oh.” This man is a bit of a pussy as I’d guessed.
“How can I help you, Mr. Chambers?”
“You have my daughter.” That’s stating the obvious. I slide one hand across my chest, bringing his attention to the dried blood from my girl’s claw marks.
“Indeed, I do.” Naked and ready to fuck, if not for this interruption.
“Well, I, uhm, I didn’t approve of this…matching. She’s promised to another. Her wedding date is set.” He doesn’t sound so sure.
“She told me that.” I nod. “After I rescued her from the dogged detective that’s been harassing her.” My implication is clear. I protected her, he didn’t.
“Yes, well, she was involved in a bank robbery. There are questions to be answered.” Not an ounce of concern in his voice.
“I’m well aware; I was there. Shot twice while protecting her. Because she was a victim. Not involved, as you say.” This man is even worse than I believed.
“Daddy?” Her soft voice washes over me like a mild gust of wind.
“Yes, princess?” With the way her arms wrap around me from behind, I know she doesn’t notice her father here with us. The man before me pales as he realizes what she called me.
“I woke up, and you were gone. I was hoping to get on my knees for you.” I drag her around in front of me at her seductive tone.
“Little girl, you can suck Daddy’s dick any time you like.” Winking down at her, I kiss the side of her neck. “But we have company.”
“Oh.” Her eyes widen at the realization. She turns her head, and I see her face pale. “Father.” There’s fear in her voice, and that pisses me the fuck off.
“What the fuck did you do to her?” I snap, uncaring of anything else right now.
“Me?” Chambers shouts at me. “What about her? A fucking whore!”
Zak slips his pistol into my hand. “Be careful of how you address my girl.” It’s the only warning he’ll receive. I’m not above killing him for insulting her.