Page 24 of Baby for My Bosses
I grumbled about having to get up early to leave on vacation. It was six-thirty in the morning when I shouldered my duffel bag and boarded the sleek silver jet. I settled onto an aisle seat, wide and cushioned, comfortable enough for a nap. Except there was no hope of a nap or me. Once I was awake, I was awake.
Drew opened his laptop and asked if we wanted to watch with him. We exchanged a glance and shook our heads. Nobody wanted to hurt his feelings, but nobody wanted to sit through another Marvel flick right now. In fact, as they wheeled the jetway stairs off and closed the hatch, I saw Jake settle in, lean his seat back and shut his eyes. Eli was flying the plane.
I pulled out my tablet and tapped the e-reader. I started to skim the first couple of chapters of the book I’d bought for research, but I found myself getting drawn in by the characters and their story. It wasn’t dumb and cheesy. It was a genuine, caring relationship that unfolded between the softspoken veterinarian who barely survived a hit and run accident and the three burly paramedics who saved her life. The premise was pretty laughable, but I was reading it for ideas, for inspiration.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I was glued to my e-reader for about a hundred pages before I looked up. It was then that I realized I had a seatmate. Jasmine had settled in next to me, a fluffy blanket wrapped around her like she was freezing just at the thought of all that snow waiting at our destination.
“Hey,” she said when I noticed her, “you’re pretty deep into whatever’s on that tablet. I’m nosy. What are you reading?”
She leaned her head on my arm and batted her eyelashes at me playfully. I shrugged.
“There’s no reason you shouldn’t have a look. I’m reading,” I cleared my throat, surprised to find myself a little embarrassed, “a romance novel. Very highly rated, in fact.”
“Really? Which one? I’ve read a bunch. I’m a frequent flier at the library. I go after all the new releases. I love contemporaries.”
“It’s about a foursome,” I blurted out.
“Oh,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m kind of into this one. The characters and everything. I’m rooting for them, and I want to know how the whole thing turns out.”
“You’re adorable,” she said, beaming up at me. It made me feel absurdly proud of myself, and I liked the warm rush I got from her approval.
“I’m not adorable. I’m a manly man. A manly ex-soldier who likes manly things,” I quipped.
She laughed and slapped me on the arm. “Yes, you are all of those things. But it’s okay to have a softer side too. I really like that about you.”
“You do, eh?” I asked playfully.
She nodded. “I do. So what’s this book about?”
I cleared my throat. “Well it’s about this woman and these three guys who are all in a relationship. It’s about how they spoil her rotten and make sure she’s taken care of in every single way.”
“Hmm, I like the sound of that,” she purred.
The sound made me instantly hard. I shifted in my seat and she laughed.
“Do you care if I read with you?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. I don’t mind sharing, but you knew that about me already, didn’t you?” I teased.
Jasmine snuggled in close and read over my shoulder. I waited until she was done to flip pages on the e-reader. She’d give me a nod, her hair brushing my cheek, and I’d take the signal to turn the page. We read along for a few minutes, occasionally nudging each other or giving some snarky commentary.
Over a couple of chapters, things heated up between the characters. When things went from kissing and ‘oh-no-we-mustn’t’ to the inevitable, I felt my skin go hot in response to the descriptions, but it was when Jasmine started shifting and wiggling at my side that I realized she was affected by it as well.
“Hey,” I said, my voice husky as I turned to her, setting the tablet aside. When I tried to meet her eyes, her face was flushed, and she looked away as if she were embarrassed. “Did you like what we were reading?” I asked in a low voice, leaning in closer. She nodded, seeming shy all of a sudden.
I tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek, then just below her ear. I could feel her breath catch in her throat so I did it again, grinning a bit at the gratifying response I got. I reached for her and she came willingly into my lap. A few seconds of shy maneuvering and we were kissing, lips locked and her smooth, hot skin under my hand, which had crept up the back of her shirt almost without my intending it.
She held on to me for dear life and we kissed like that for what could have been ten minutes or six hours. It was hot and blurry and timeless in the best way. Then she started to pull away, only to lean back in and kiss my neck.
I dropped my hands to the armrests and gripped them as she straddled me. My head went back and Jasmine kissed a hot line along my jaw. With one hand I grabbed the full curve of her ass and held her to me, my other head sliding her shirt up. I coaxed her up and up until my mouth was on eye level with her navel and my hot mouth ran along the waistband of her jeans, making her stomach clench and her sounds grow sweater and more reckless. I unbuttoned her jeans.
When the zipper slid down, I was so hard, so eager to get my mouth on her and make her scream, that I wasn’t thinking about the other people on the plane, the brother sleeping, the one watching a movie. They didn’t need to see the way we were ready to act on our primal urges after being spurred on by a spicy book. With my thumb, I pushed down the waistband of her purple panties and kissed her there, just above her mound. With a throttled cry, she ground against my eager mouth, clutched at my hair.