Page 84 of It Ruins Me (Betrayal)
“You weren’t rude. You stood up for me. Big difference.”
“I hope they’ll see it that way,” she said. “First impressions are lasting impressions.”
I wasn’t the least bit worried about it. Scarlett had a smile that lit up the room, showed affection in just her words, without needing touch. She was endearing and funny. She was a hot piece of ass with the full package. “I’m not worried about it. And if it makes you feel better, they could dislike you all they want, and it’s not going to change anything.”
I could tell that meant a lot to her by the way her eyes softened, the way she looked up at me like I was the best gift that had ever appeared under her Christmas tree. Her hand went to my arm, and she touched me, gently felt the muscles under my skin. “I love you.”
I would never grow tired of hearing that. “I know.” I pulled her in close and pressed a kiss to her lips, but the second I felt her mouth, all that affection transformed into something more. A spark lit the match, and then the flames erupted around us on allsides. It happened anytime I touched her, but it really exploded now.
My hand slid into her hair, and I kissed her as I backed her up into the couch. I slid the other underneath her top and grabbed her tit, squeezing it hard underneath her bra and making her wince slightly. She was taller than most women, which I loved, but she was still so petite, so small in my big grasp.
Her hands dove underneath my shirt, and her nails started to dig their grooves into my flesh, her head tilted back to accept my anxious kiss. Our mouths danced in fire, and once the steam started to billow, she yanked my shirt over my head. A satisfied moan left her lips when she saw my bare chest, her favorite part of my physique besides my arms…and my dick.
Our embrace became too intimate for the couch, so I lifted her into my arms and carried her like she weighed nothing, because in comparison to the tractor tires I pushed around in my gym, she really did weigh nothing.
I dropped her on the bed and yanked off my jeans and shoes, so anxious for her, it was like I’d never fucked her before. In these heated moments, it always felt that way, our hundredth time feeling like our first time.
Too anxious to wait for me to undress her, she kicked away her bottoms and left her top in place.
My knees hit the mattress, and I moved on top of her, yanking her shirt and bra up to expose her tits. With her soft thighs on either side of my hips, she took my length, took it with a loud groan like she’d somehow forgotten what my dick could do.
Fully sheathed inside my wife, I held myself as I looked at her, her lips hungry for my kiss, desperate for it. Ever since the firstmoment I saw her, I wanted her. I wanted her in every dirty way I could imagine. Lots of nasty shit had crossed my mind when I saw her sitting there across the dining room from me, her legs crossed in her flirty dress in the spring heat. While that desire still burned white-hot, it had grown into something more, something deeper. It made me slow down, made me rock into her at a steady pace rather than a sprint, made me kiss her throughout, made me whisper my love against her ear. It made me want to love rather than fuck—because I was madly in love with her.
Chapter 18
We walked up to the restaurant, my restaurant, and Axel opened the door for me to walk inside. At a quick glance, everything seemed to be functioning the way it was supposed to. The music played over the speakers, and guests enjoyed champagne and appetizers in the lounge like they were about to attend a cocktail party. The tables were full, the waiters were ready, and the atmosphere was exactly what Axel and I had imagined.
Axel spoke to Alessandra at the front. “My parents are probably already here. They’re old, so fifteen minutes early is right on time for them.”
She chuckled then guided us to the table.
I was nervous, so nervous it felt like a frog was in my throat. The second I tried to talk, I’d probably croak, and they’d look at me with disgust. When Axel told me their opinion didn’t matter to him, I believed him. But their opinion still mattered to me.
Axel took my hand and guided me to the table.
I saw them from a distance away, sitting side by side, looking exactly as I remembered but a little less timid.
“You guys are still early to everything, huh?” Axel said as his dad stood up to greet him.
“And you’re still late,” he said with a chuckle.
The two men embraced in a tight hug.
It was hard not to smile.
His mother got up next, moving into his chest and squeezing him tightly, a foot shorter than him and petite like me.
It was hard to imagine she’d given birth to that man.
They spoke to each other quietly for a few moments, their meeting clearly emotional.
His father turned to me. “We haven’t properly met. Henry.” He extended his hand to shake mine.
I took it. “It’s lovely to meet you. Properly.” I cleared my throat, remembering our last interaction perfectly. “I know our first meeting was a bit tense. I just want you to know I’m not really the confrontational type?—”
“It’s okay,” he said. “My wife and I deserved it. Water under the bridge.”