Page 79 of It Ruins Me (Betrayal)
“You said when you have a family.”
“And I do have a family. You’re my family, baby.” He looked at me with that intense gaze, like I was truly the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him.
When he said things like that, my body went hot and cold at the same time, and my mouth became parched. “You’re my family too, babe.”
The waiter brought the food a moment later, serving us our hot dishes. These last few weeks together of drinking and eating had made my clothes feel a little tight, even with the gym sessions. But it was hard not to celebrate like it was our honeymoon.
“A lot of people are coming tomorrow.”
“You think?”
“All of our reservations are booked up. Walk-ins will be disappointed.”
“People don’t show up for reservations all the time.”
“Oh, they’ll show up for these. According to the papers, this is the hottest restaurant in town.”
We’d had food critics come to the restaurant for a special four-course meal prepared for them and a guest. I had been in the kitchen with the rest of the cooking staff, helping them make the dishes for our guests. All of the reviews were glowing—and that definitely fueled interest. “I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.”
“Good,” he said after he took a bite. “Because I have other plans anyway.”
Dinner started at five in the evening, and since I wasn’t working in the kitchen, I got to wear a black cocktail dress and heels, diamonds around my neck and in my lobes. The kitchen staff was ready, the waiters were ready for their tables, and the low lighting with the music had given it the vibe of a club.
Axel was the most dressed up I’d ever seen him except on our wedding day, in slacks that hugged his tight ass nicely and a black collared shirt that fit his chest and shoulders well. His black wedding ring matched his attire. “Here we go, baby.”
The doors opened, and fifteen minutes later, people started to show up for their reservations. Alessandra had done a great job preparing the restaurant for its opening weekend because everything seemed to be in place. People were taken to their tables, and the waiters were there to serve them water and present the wine list.
Axel recognized some of the guests, so he greeted them with his charisma and dashing smile. Sometimes, he introduced me to them, saying I was the head chef and the culinary designer for that evening’s meal.
Time passed, and soon it was a madhouse, lots of walk-ins that had to be turned away because the reservation list was booked solid—and everyone showed up for dinner.
Axel stared at me, that grin on his face.
“Just waiting.”
The smile remained, arrogance in his eyes. “For you to admit I was right.”
I immediately broke eye contact, afraid he was going to say I told you so.
“That your hole-in-the-wall would have been a mistake.”
I looked out the double glass doors to the people mingling outside, wearing their coats because it was still chilly at the beginning of spring.
“Come on.” His arm moved around my waist. “Say it.” His hand inched to my ass.
I swatted it away. “We’re in public.”
“Either say it now, or—” he pulled me close and spoke into my ear “—I’ll make you say it tonight when we get home, with my dick in your mouth.” His big hand grabbed on to my ass.
I pushed his arm away and stepped aside.
He grinned. “I hoped that would be your answer.”
More people filed into the restaurant and were led to their tables. Others got comfortable on the velvet couches, the place where Axel had fucked me several times and we’d had to dab the sex spots dry to get rid of the stains. Waiters presented them with flutes of champagne as they waited, and hors d’oeuvres were presented on silver trays.