Page 4 of It Ruins Me (Betrayal)
“I’m tired of this.”
She remained quiet.
“I’m trying to be patient, but I’ve never been the patient type.”
I shifted to her side of the bed, pressing my chest against her back and pulling her tight against me. My face was against her hair, smelling her shampoo and perfume mixed together in a floral scent. With that perky ass pressed against me, my dick hardened, wanting to dive between her folds and explore her wet paradise. My arm hooked over her chest to anchor her against me, to keep her secured tightly like she was light enough to float away. My lips brushed away the strap of her shirt so I could kiss her shoulder.
She remained still.
“Talk to me, baby.”
There was a long stretch of silence, so long that it seemed like she would ignore me. “I’m still shaken up.”
“There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“If you hadn’t gotten there…” The sentence was never finished because she couldn’t find the words…or didn’t want to say them.
The implications were heavy in her voice. “But I did get there. Don’t waste your heart worrying about what-ifs.”
“It’s more than that…”
“Then tell me.”
She lay there for a moment before she rolled over, bringing her body toward mine so we were face-to-face.
I hooked her thigh over my hip and made her little shorts ride up until they fit like underwear. I squeezed one of her ass cheeks, feeling that perkiness right in the palm of my hand. I cared about her feelings, but it was hard to focus on her emotions when she was the sexiest little thing I’d ever laid eyes on. Ever since I’d manned up and told her I loved her, the steel bars that had restricted me had been shattered. I felt free, and all I wanted to do with that freedom was make love to her.
“I don’t know who I am anymore.” Her eyes carried a sadness so heavy even I couldn’t lift it.
My desire suddenly evaporated. “Occupation and identity aren’t the same thing. Your career is a part of who you are—but notallof who you are.”
“But it’s all I wanted for so long.”
“You’ll find something else to be passionate about. Like raising our children. When we have our babies, you aren’t going to care about anything else anyway.”
Her eyes dropped, moving to my chest. “I want to be more than just a mother.”
“Then you’ll find another passion.”
“I’m just not sure how my father is going to take this.”
That should be the least of her concerns, and the fact that she was pinned so hard under his thumb just pissed me off. “If he’s anything but understanding, he’s a fucking asshole. You value his opinion far more than you should. What doyouwant, baby?”
“I—I don’t know.”
“You can still have an empire, but it’ll be a different kind of empire, one that’s above the table rather than below it, that operates in the light of day instead of the shadows of midnight. I’ve always told you how much I love your cooking.”
“You only like my cooking because it comes after sex.”
I smirked. “I’m sure that helps, but I would eat your cooking at any time. I like your stuff better than my own chef’s.”
“I have the opposite opinion.”
“I’d fire him and hire you in a heartbeat, but if you’re too busy cooking, then you’ll be too busy to fuck me, so that’s not in my best interest.”
A slight smile pulled at her lips, the light in her eyes masking the bruises that marked her beautiful skin.