Page 15 of The Bratva's Hostage Bride
When he put the key in the lock, my heart skipped a beat; and when he entered through the gate, the breath ceased from my lungs. This couldn’t be true, could it? It had to be a dream.
I masked the fear in my voice and questioned. “Who are you and what do you think you are doing?”
“My name is Anton; you don’t know me—”
“That’s more than enough reason to scream for help right now. You shouldn’t be here with me. Does Viktor know about this?”
His maniacal laughter rang out and the wickedness in his eyes glimmered. After his laughter died down—like some timed dramatic script—he grinned and bared a snaggletooth.
“Viktor not here. I have waited long, many years.” He paused; his eyes traveled from my head to my toes. “Good thing you're a fine one.” He had an accent and spoke broken English.
He moved fast, lurching forward with his big hands aiming for my throat.
A shriek tore through my throat. “Stay. Away!”
The man did not listen. He was lost in the crazy world he had created in his head as he followed me with an ugly frown on his lips. “Your father didn’t wait.”
I ran backward in a circle to avoid him, but he would not be deterred. He mirrored my movements as if he had all the time in the world. “What are you talking about?”
“Your father,” he smirked. “He didn’t wait. He raised his gun to my brother’s head. Poof! A gang fight with you fucking Irish, and your father blew his brains, no remorse. Now, I’m here for revenge; and I promise, I vill kill you, but not before we’ve had a liiittle fun.”
He reached for me, and I tried to dodge him but failed. He grabbed me roughly, dragged me by the hair, and pushed me back onto the ground knocking out all the breath from my lungs. My eyes stung and I kicked, hitting his hard chest with my arms to push him off me. But he was as heavy as a boulder.
“Get off!” I choked on a sob. “Get off me!”
“Shut the fuck up!” The back of his hand flew over my cheek. Tears welled and my skin stung, but I didn't have time to react. The sound of tearing fabric echoed through the room, and I saw the shiny Lady Liberty bisected in his grasp.
Cold air swept over my skin, and I moved my arms to shield my exposed bra from his lustful gaze. I’d never been this violated and humiliated before. “Please…” more tears rolled to my ears. “Please, stop! Please—Someone … anyone! Somebody helped me.” I screamed as loud as I could.
It didn’t matter how much I pleaded or fought. The beast inside him only roared more. He had sold his soul to the devil before I knew of his existence. Dirty fingernails dug into my skin and rough hands squeezed a handful of every part of my body.
He grabbed my mouth to his and jammed our lips roughly together; with teeth and tongue, until a metallic taste hit my mouth. My lips bled, but the monster didn’t stop. I cringed and cried even harder. His touch wasn't like Viktor’s. It was like searing acid on my skin. At that moment, I would have given anything for him to disappear.
Suddenly he jerked back and just as I thought he was developing a bit of compassion; a syringe came out of his pocket. He flicked the concealed needle and pointed it at me.
“This is good stuff, pretty. It vill paralyze you for a good twenty minutes, you know, to stop you from kicking so much when I’m giving you pleasure. Then, vhen you finally come to your senses,” he ran his finger across his throat. “Off goes your head.”
I didn’t focus on his stupid speech. In a blink, I removed the knife I’d hidden safely away inside my jeans, under my belt—the sheath came off—and silver glinted under the light. I rammed the blade into his throat, straight into the main artery, as I’ve been taught, with my eyes closed.
Choking and gurgling noises and a warm liquid hit my face. My eyelids opened in horror, and with trembling hands, I slowly pulled out the knife and pushed him off me with all my strength. I crawled into the corner, away from him, and watched the life slowly drain from his crazy blue eyes as a thick red stream flowed from the large wound on his throat.
My spirit dimmed as the light in his eyes finally faded away. His chest stopped heaving. The choking stopped. And he just … stilled.
“Oh, God!” My hands flew to my mouth to stifle a sob, and that’s when I noticed the sticky red stains covering my fair skin. Blood. His blood. It has marked me for life.
I killed him.
My whole body shook violently, and my vision blurred. How had this become my reality? Taking someone else’s life?
I killed a man.
My eyes fell on the open gate. That was it, my ticket to freedom out of this hellhole, but I couldn’t bring myself to get up. I didn’t have the strength or courage to move.
One thought repeatedly ran through my mind and, the more it did, the deeper a void expanded in my chest. When I saw the white syringe lying discarded by Anton’s head, the voice grew louder.