Page 12 of The Bratva's Hostage Bride
“Fuck—No! Ava! Let her go!”
“Can’t do that, Dicklan. Time for chit-chat is up. Tell Cian I have Ava; he knows what to do.”
I struggled against the brawny man, but his grip was so tight that his fingers pushed through my jeans and were hot against my skin. He flung me into one of the cars and closed the door. The tires screeched on the asphalt and the cars drove off one after the other, and slowly the sight of Declan’s bloodied face faded until it was no longer visible.
I wrapped my arms around my body and slammed my head on the headrest of the back seat. He kept his promise.
Trust me, it doesn’t matter how far you run. I promise I will always find my way to you.
But it didn’t matter, I would get out of this situation just like last time.
Chapter 4 - Viktor
“Has the girl eaten?”
Fedor cleared his throat behind me, his footsteps echoing on the concrete floor as we passed the men pairing handguns and packing rifles. The masculine energy in the room was high and the sounds of whirring and humming machinery could be heard. We walked past a few concrete pillars and entered a room full of thick, odorless smoke.
My second in command remained quiet. I glanced over my shoulder. “Fedor?”
He avoided my gaze and brushed a lint off his collar when we left the foggy room. “No.”
We reached the elevator that went down to the basement. I got in. Fedor and three of my men followed. I refused to look at him. If I had, I would have punched him in the gut. A mechanical whirring sounded and gradually we descended into a room with a cage big enough to hold five men as tall as Fedor. The room smelled of iron and chemicals.
“Is there a reason my orders were disobeyed?” I asked the second we stepped out.
He scratched behind his ear and flicked the switch. Bright light flooded the room and fell on our prisoner, who clung to the steel bars with white knuckles. She stood there, not flinching, her vibrant auburn hair dangling messily over her shoulders. For a brief second, it was as if we were the only ones in the room. Her eyes bored deep into mine and I found myself in a sea of green.
“No special treatment for prisoners, boss. That’s your rule.” Fedor’s voice reeled me back. “I didn’t think you would want us to change that for this one.”
As I turned my head toward him, I saw the small smile playing on his lips and the subtle accusation in his eyes. I slipped my hand into my pockets, ignoring him, and stepped closer to the cage.
She stood still and did not say a word. Resilience and anger burned in her green orbs and a bitter taste settled in my mouth as I remembered how she’d looked at fucking Dicklan with such affection after we'd beaten the shit out of him yesterday.
I lifted a finger and lightly brushed over her knuckles. She withdrew her hand from the bars, and I smiled. “Hello, sweetie,” I said in Russian.
Her silence was an echo of her answer. She ignored me, seemed to look at me, but stared past me as if I wasn’t even there. I smiled even more; this game would be fun.
“Did you sleep okay? Or was it too cold?”
She narrowed her eyes. There was neither a bed nor sunlight. Of course, she had had a terrible sleep.
“I heard you haven’t eaten since yesterday.” I scratched the stubble on my jaw. “Blame my men for that. That wasn’t me.”
“Proving stubborn, aren’t we?”
If I had learned anything from my last encounter with the pretty Irish princess, it was that she was very proud. But this time I swore to myself that I would break her pretty little wings until she could fly no more.
I took another step closer. “Do you remember that moment, sweetie? It was exactly a year ago. I had you in the same place in a similar cage.” I ran a finger along the steel bar and looked at the top of the cage. “I got you a bigger cage, my little dove,” I murmured the last part in Russian, and the crease between her eyebrows told me she didn’t understand.
“The roof’s not leaking, the lighting is a lot better, and it doesn’t smell of dead rats.” I grinned. “Don’t you like it?”
Surprisingly, she flashed a smile. “A five-star hotel can’t be compared to this. It’s perfect.” Those were the exact words she’d used last year, and it amused me to know she hadn’t forgotten.
“Great!” I rubbed my palms together. “I’m glad you are enjoying your stay here. I’ll tell Fedor to send word back to Dicklan that you’re well taken care of and are in good hands.”
The smile fell off her face. “It’s Declan! Asshole. You’re a fucking monster.”