Page 66 of Craved By the Shadow Demon
Destroying the source weakened but did not fully lift the curse. I can feel that Annette's life force flickers even closer to oblivion. I race back to her side, knowing I have only one option left to keep her from death's grip. Or at least, if she goes over the edge, she’ll take me with her.
As her remaining life force sputters, I take her delicate hand in mine. "Forgive what I must do, my love," I whisper. I open my spirit and begin transferring my immortal demon essence to her fragile mortal soul, binding us as one before the abyss can claim her.
When we share one soul, one essence, either both of us will live or neither. If her flame goes out, so will mine. But I’m hoping rather than death, I can give her the strength she needs to overcome this.
Our merged life force glows between us, the curse seething but unable to consume us both. Annette's eyes flutter open once more.
I open my spirit to Annette's fading mortal essence. Our life forces collide in a burst of crimson and violet, spinning into a new chaotic orb of being.
Reality seems to warp around us. We stand upon an endless shimmering plane, the material world melted away. Our bodies blur, flesh and spirit combining.
Annette's eyes flutter open, their emerald irises now flecked with molten gold, our essences irrevocably blended. We stand together, diminished mortality reforged by an immortal union.
"My love," I whisper. “I’m so sorry. I claimed you without your approval, and I hope you can forgive me for that. But I saw no other way.”
I enfold her fragile yet undying form in a fierce embrace. By relinquishing our previous separate selves, we are now one being in two bodies, sharing a life force. She has my strength, while I have her light. Neither of us is what we were before, but whatever makes me immune to the witches’ curse now should heal her, too.
Her lifeblood flows through my veins, our hearts beating in resonant harmony, souls merged in primordial covenant. I hold Annette close, reminding myself this is no dream that will fade. Her being flows through mine, brilliant and undimmed.
I lift Annette's chin, gently kissing the tears of wonder from her golden-flecked eyes before pressing my lips to hers.
Our first true kiss as souls reborn, sealing the promise of eternity.
It’s weird, being bound to Rukh. I feel different and yet exactly the same. But there’s a kind of comfort that comes from knowing that if one of us dies, we both die. A comfort in knowing that we’ll be together until our last day on Protheka.
It’s only been two days since it all happened, but Rukh still won’t leave me alone. It’s like he’s constantly worried about me, even though the curse is gone now.
“Lunch is ready!” I shout.
Rukh has been in the living room all day, reading books to see if there could be any negative side effects to us sharing one life force. Meanwhile, I’ve been cooking us a special meal.
I know that Rukh isn’t used to eating the kind of food I’ve been preparing, so I let him go out yesterday to buy some taura meat for us. I roasted it all day with some frisse, burgona, and some cryots to make it into a stew. It’s mostly taura, since I know he prefers meat to other things. It’s not luxurious by any means, but it’s better than the eggs we’ve been eating every day.
Rukh walks in with a book, heading for the table.
“Nu-uh,” I tell him, snatching the book out of his arms. “No books at the table. Not today.”
“Fine.” He chuckles. “It smells amazing in here.”
He plants a kiss on the top of my head before taking his seat at the table. I set his bowl of stew down in front of him and we dig in.
“Mmm, this is so good.” He moans.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to pretend to like it that much.” I giggle.
“No really, it’s delicious. I never knew taura could taste like this,” he says. And I actually believe him, because three minutes later, his bowl is empty. I’ve never seen him eat this fast before.
“Can we go into town today?” I ask as he takes our dishes to the sink. He stops, looking surprised.
“No, definitely not. I was thinking about the other one next to that, with all the cute shops. We could go around and buy some things to make this cabin our own.”
“You want to stay here?”