Page 36 of Craved By the Shadow Demon
He lets out a growling moan, thrusting in and out of me before he stills, his cock twitching deep inside of me. He bites down on my shoulder as his climax hits him, too, and the moment his fangs pierce my skin, I can feel the darkness grow even stronger.
I'm riding high on pleasure, my entire body trembling at the burst inside of me. I can feel the darkness touching Rukh, feeling the emotions inside of him. He's amazed, like he can't believe how good it feels. And underneath that, there's something else.
Something powerful, dark, and utterly perfect.
Idon’t want to open my eyes, because it means that I’m trading this moment for something inferior. My body still resonates with the events of the preceding night, my every muscle stretched, memorizing positions and contortions from my time with Annette. I can still hear her moans in the back of my mind.
A pavo lands beside me, screeching in my ear, and I instinctively reach out and grab it, less to subdue or harm it and more as a message.
The creature quiets immediately. I loosen my hand, and it flies away.
The overcast sky looms overhead, a dull morning chill running over my body.
Beside me, under her own woolen blanket, Annette sleeps still and silently. Her light snores are barely perceptible over the harsh roaring wind.
I smile down at her in disbelief. I wonder if she’s uncomfortable on the rocks, out here in the forest clearing. Anybody could have seen us out here, and that only heightened the danger.
Trying not to wake her, I push my arms against the ground, cracking the joints, then bring myself to a standing position.
In the distance, I can still hear Mellara chattering, its citizens starting their bustling day.
And I can feel their darkness. It seems so much more appetizing than any of the wild beasts around me, whose hearts pump blood through their bodies, their every noise echoing in my mind.
My mind racks itself, trying to think of the best way for Annette to wake up. Even in the pre-storm weather, I can tell that the sun is not yet up in the sky. It should be some time before Annette awakens.
So I rush through the forest, killing beasts without poisons or agents. It proves relatively simple to kill two dripir. I’m starting to understand the peculiar qualities of modern dripir, understanding where they hide and how they gather. I also manage to find a few unattended eggs, carrying everything carefully back to the clearing.
I know that I’ve been gone several hours, so I’m relieved to see Annette still sleeping soundly when I return.
A safe enough distance away from her, I begin gathering lumber and digging a small trench in the ground. If I don’t safely encase the fire, it could spread into the neighboring forests, bringing disaster.
I roast the dripir and manage to boil the eggs.
I hear Annette moan and instinctively start to panic before realizing that this is exactly what I wanted.
“Mmm,” she says simply, her eyes still firmly shut. “What smells good?”
I consider running over to her, but immediately hear her snoring continue.
I’ll let her sleep a moment longer.
From my cave, I fetch a couple of plates and some silverware, which I took from a violent abuser. His soul was delicious, but it did cause me issues for days afterward.
Finally, I dish up the food in front of Annette, laying it down on the ground a safe distance away. I get down next to Annette and begin to cuddle her, whispering in her ear.
“Yesterday was fantastic,” I whisper. “But it’s time for a new day.”
She wakes up, then startles, feeling me behind her.
I feel her pull away from me slightly, sitting up and reaching for the fork. And for some reason, it bothers me.
“Thank you,” she says, wrapping the blanket around her nude form.
She scarfs down her food, and we sit around the campfire together, enjoying the silence.