Page 31 of Craved By the Shadow Demon
“I’ll tell you what. How about I lead the way, and you follow?”
She looks out at the distant town, no doubt consumed by her thoughts, before nodding reluctantly.
“Perfect,” I say. “I’m going ahead then.”
I wish I could leave her back at my cave, providing for her on my returns. I tell her it’s because I don’t want her jeopardizing my missions, but the reality is that I can never guarantee her safety.
It’s a wonder these fragile humans stay alive at all. They break and crush so easily, and their fates are entirely up to the whims of nature.
But I have to regain her trust, because sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who can protect her.
I creep ahead, blending cleanly into the shadows as I glide up the wall. I condense my form, finding a perfect bushel to hide behind as I observe.
I see the two guards standing watch next to the town entrance, looking vacantly into the distance. Their tired faces are paved by the orange glow of the sconces, deep shadows cast over the bags underlining their eyes.
Thinking quickly, I pick up a rock, throwing it just in front of them.
“What in all of –”
One of them looks at the rock, then toward the bushes.
The other, more grizzled looking, guard sighs, reaching over to pat his partner on the shoulder.
“It’s your first week, Denela,” he says. “Why don’t you let me check it out?”
He takes his guard spear and grabs it tightly as he confidently sifts through the shrubbery.
But I’m several feet away already, blending in with the walls.
As long as the sun isn’t shining on me, if I don’t want to be seen, I don’t have to be. The shadows are my loyal ally.
I double back to Annette, who’s leaning against the wall of the guard tower impatiently.
I’m partially tempted to remain a shadow as I look upon her beauty, observing her when she thinks nobody’s watching.
The way she purses her lips as she gets lost in thought, or in boredom, is incredible to me. I’d love to live inside her mind, seeing the world as she perceives it on a daily basis.
When I’ve finished observing, I burst free from the wall.
Her eyes widen in surprise.
“Where did you – How did you –?”
“Your intel was bad, Annette. I’m very disappointed.”
“I saw you walk to the city walls. How are you bursting free from the guard tower?”
“They were not illusions, Annette,” I tell her.
She tries to find her bearings, pausing for a second to look down at the ground in exasperation.
“Clearly, they’ve tightened security since the last time.”
Her eyes turn back up to me. “That was you, right? It had to be.”
“How am I supposed to answer that? I don’t read minds.”
“Sorry. Just thinking aloud.”