Page 24 of Craved By the Shadow Demon
When I decide that I’m done with the two dark elves, I set off into the woods, looking for her in the last place I saw her. She’s lucky those elves didn’t see her peeking her flaming head of hair out at them, although I would have stopped them from doing anything to her. But still, I don’t think she realizes how much of a target she is.
I reach the spot, seeing that she’s not there. Did she get frightened by what she saw and leave? I wouldn’t be surprised if she did, but the thought quickly fades as I inhale, smelling her close by.
I follow the scent, spotting her leaning against a tree not far away. She looks to be deep in thought and hasn’t noticed me yet. I scoff at her utter lack of attention to her surroundings.
“You stayed,” I remark. She startles, looking up at me with what I’m pretty certain is a grimace.
“Look, you can’t stay out here all by yourself.”
“What? I’ve been on my own so far and I’ve been fine,” she argues.
“For now. But there are many dangerous things out here. Evil things. I should know. They won’t hesitate to come for you if I leave you here alone.”
“What are you saying?” she asks.
“You’re coming with me.”
“Where?” She crosses her arms across her chest.
“I’ve been residing in a cave nearby. We can stay there for now.”
She rolls her eyes but seems to think for a moment. Finally, she nods and walks over to me.
“How far is it?” she asks as we begin walking.
“Not far.”
“That’s it? No time estimate?”
“Why? Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
She scoffs, making my blood boil. Who does this girl think she is?
“I’m just wondering how long we’re going to be walking for. I’m tired.”
“Not long. Where were you planning on sleeping before I offered up my cave?”
“I hadn’t figured it out yet. I find a spot every night just fine. Is the cave your home?”
I bite my tongue, not wanting to admit I’ve seen most of the spots she claims for her nighttime rest and she’s better off in the cave with me. “I don’t have a home. I move too much to call any one place by such a name.”
“Why do you move around so much?”
“Evil takes many paths,” I answer.
“I have no idea what that means.” She rolls her eyes again. I’m beginning to think that that’s the only face she knows how to make.
“We’re almost there.”
A few moments later, we arrive at the cave mouth. I wave her in, stopping and sniffing the air before following her, checking to see if anything worth noting is nearby and finding nothing.
We reach the back of the cave, where there’s a large circular area. I wave my hands, creating a fire with my magic in the center of the space. Annette walks up to it, reaching out.