Page 16 of Feral
That was how I found myself in the alley of a run-down bar in Dublin across from Azadeh’s apartment, glaring at a man who’d tried to kiss her.
When he leaned in, his arm above her head, I was ready to rip his spine out of his back. But then Azadeh pushed him off and closed the door.
The man appeared irritated, but nothing to cause a significant alarm. Then the fucker gazed up at her window and walked around the back, trying the handle of the side door.
He didn’t see me coming. Being the child of monsters, I’d learned to shield any sound and move like air.
“You need help?” I asked.
“Hey, man,” he said, looking rattled as he pushed a hand through his greasy blond hair. “Yeah, my bitch is mad at me. Locked me out.” He smirked when I didn’t respond. “You know how these bitches are.”
I stepped closer, enough to demonstrate the difference in our height. The man was no taller than five-ten. Judging by his rapid retreat, he was intimidated by my six-four frame.
“No, I don’t know how these bitches are,” I spat, keeping my voice cool and level. One thing I’d learned about distasteful men was that a level voice and a calm demeanor unnerved them more than aggression ever could.
The guy stammered, flailing his arms like a marionette, unsure of his next move. He stepped back again, desperate to put some space between us. I closed the distance until the backs of his legs hit a metal garbage can. He jostled it, and the lid hit the cement with a loud clang.
“You know, man,” he cajoled. “Those bitches who ask for it, and as soon as things heat up, they pretend like they don’t want it. You should’ve seen what the slut was wearing. Tight leather pants and a midriff top showing skin and cut so low, her tits were almost hanging out. She had no problem letting me buy her drinks earlier. Took my money like they all do. Fuckin’ whores. But when it was time to put out, she was like a fuckin’ meat locker. Ice cold.”
He held up his hand, showing me his slightly crooked finger. “This one even took out my finger. Can you believe that? I was only trying to have a good time, and she fucking attacked me. Now the bitch gotta pay. I got a reputation to keep. Can’t have anyone finding out about what that bitch did to me without knowing how I made her pay.”
Without thinking, I pulled out my colt and shot him in the leg. The fucker stumbled, howling in pain as he grabbed his knee. That finally shut him up. Fucker was in so much pain that the only thing he could do was gasp air into his worthless lungs.
“This gun is one of a pair carved from a five-million-year-old meteorite. The other one in the set is with that girl you disrespected.” I tipped my head toward the house as I stepped closer.
The guy scooted back on his elbows, wide eyes silently pleading as he looked up at me in horror.
The asshole thought I’d waste a second of sympathy or remorse on him.
“Please. I’ll go home and forget about everything. Bro, I need a doctor. I think that bullet is lodged in my knee,” he pleaded between pained gasps.
I bent and smirked at him. The scum screeched into the night as I dug my fingers into the wound, probing until I gripped the bullet and pulled it out. I stabbed the new hole I’d made with the barrel of my gun a few times for good measure.
Rising, I held the silver bullet to his face. “This won’t bother you any longer.”
The vermin's eyes widened as he attempted to push himself off the dirty cement.
I lifted my foot and slammed it against his chest, forcing him back down. “Not so fast.”
“What do you want from me?” he whispered.
I kneeled and shoved the barrel of the gun against his face. “You tried to harm someone who belongs to me, and you also made a mess of my gun. I think it’s only right that you clean it up.”
The man wiggled and shook his head as I pushed the blood-covered barrel between his lips until the whole thing was in his mouth. “Now, be a good boy and clean it. Make sure you suck off all your blood.”
He shook his head again, and I cocked the gun. “Clean it. Suck it like you’re sucking cock. Better make a show of it, or I might get upset and accidentally unload a bullet in your worthless mouth.”
The motherfucker moved his mouth up and down on the barrel like an enthusiastic call girl impressing her best client. He gagged, and his eyes watered.
A perverse sense of satisfaction came over me as I witnessed his expert blow job abilities. “Atta boy.”
His eyes found mine as I pulled the trigger, splattering the wall and my suit with his worthless brains.
Chapter 9
Cyrus—Age 30
Present Day