Page 49 of Replacing My Ex
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I’mready for this baby to be out now, seriously. It’s been seven and a half months, but I don’t think I can make it the rest of the way. I have another checkup today, which promises to be a doozy. Why? Not because I’m in any pain or real discomfort but because I’m married to a certifiable nut job.
For the last month or so, all I’ve been able to do is eat, sleep, shower, and use the bathroom. If I take ten steps away from the bed, I get a half-hour lecture. No, the doctor didn’t put me on bed rest; he did. Why, you might ask?
Oh, because I stubbed my toe getting out of the shower and didn’t have the presence of mind to muffle the yelp. He came running; I explained what happened, and life as I know it has been over ever since then.
The doctor, who he rushed me to, confirmed that it was nothing life-shattering, and I was fine to go about my business. He, on the other hand, told her she knew nothing, and he would be taking over my care. She just laughed and waved him off while I begged and pleaded with my guys for her not to send me home with this crazy person because I knew what was coming.
I went shopping with Angel, snuck out of the house, and called her. What did I find when I got to the little shopping center in town? My husband leaning on his car outside the baby store with his arms folded and a mad look on his face.
I could tell from the look on my sister’s face, and not one of guilt, mind you, that she was the one who’d sold me out. I didn’t talk to her for a day. She claimed when I did answer her call the next day that she wasn’t about to lose her new best friend because I was being stupid. Translated, that means she likes pot, and he’s her new supplier.
If she wasn’t an upstanding businesswoman, I’d call her trash, but that won’t fly. She’s owned her own boutique for years where she sells her own designs and is doing very well. I think her new brother-in-law promised to help her open new branches in other places, and that’s why she’d been selling out her little sister.
Anyway, he’s got a list a mile long of things he needs to ask the doctor because we’re coming down to the nitty gritty. If he hasn’t embarrassed me enough in front of her, the top question on this list is about sex. According to him, I’ve become a sex-starved maniac, and he wants to make sure it’s safe for our son.
I tried hiding out in the bathroom, but he picked the lock and dragged me out. Now we’re on the way with a motorcade behind us, again because he’s nuts.
“I don't see why you’re still sulking. She went to school for this shit; I didn’t. If she can’t answer a few normal questions, she should hang that shit up.” I rolled my eyes and kept pretending to read my phone.
I would text my sister to complain, but she’d only tell him what I said. It sounds exhausting, but I know why she does that. For the longest while, I didn’t realize that my family was also traumatized by what happened in my last marriage.
Not only what Dan did, but my own reaction. They were bothered by the fact that I didn’t come to them when it first started and even more upset at the fact that I had put up with the things I had.
I think that because of that, they were keeping an eye on me, so to speak, and by extension, Thunder. It’s not that they don’t trust him, they adore him. I think, especially with Angel, she thinks if she keeps him in the loop, my life will go smoothly, something I tried explaining to her is bonkers.
I found my strength even if no one else seemed to notice. When I get up in the morning, there’s no longer a golf-sized ball of worry lodged in my throat. I don’t worry that my husband is so weak that he’d cheat on me with another woman and break my heart.
It's not something I can put into words, just a feeling deep down in my gut brought on by what he’s shown me of himself. He’s brash, opinionated, and stubborn as hell. But he’s also upright in nature, and he loves me more than I ever thought possible.
It might sound silly, but I’m sometimes grateful for the hell my ex put me through. As far as I’m concerned, if he hadn’t done those things, I never would’ve divorced him and never would have met my roaring Thunder.
The way I see it now, Dan taught me everything not to look for in a man and what to seek, and Thunder is all of those things, except for the crazy.
I sat through ten minutes of him grilling the doctor and was mortified. To give her her due, she answered all of his questions with a straight face and was very understanding of his concerns because he was serious as a judge.
“Oh, darn, I forgot my water bottle in the car.” I wasn’t the least bit thirsty; I just needed to ask the doctor some questions since I noticed an odd expression on her face when she examined me earlier. I figured she didn’t say anything in front of him because of his reactions to every new thing.
“I’ll get it. I don’t trust that water out there.” Like, I didn’t know that already. As soon as he was out of the room, I leaned forward.
“Okay, we can talk now. I saw your face earlier. Is there something I should be worried about?”
“No, but I think you might be having twins.”
Of all the things I expected her to say, that wasn’t even in the running. “Not only that, but I don’t think you’ll be pregnant for much longer; the babies seem to have shifted….”
“Babies, did you say babies?” Oh, hell, how did he get back here so fast?
“Yes, I think Amanda might be having twins.”
“How do you know, and why are you only saying this now?”
“I only saw it today, and the reason it took this long is because you are adamantly against ultrasounds or any form of medical; what was it you called it? Oh yes, torture devices.”
“They’re both boys thought right.”
“We wouldn’t know that without an ultrasound, Thunder.”