Page 36 of Replacing My Ex
I started to walk around them because there was really nothing left to say, but two things happened: first, Cecile slapped me, which left me in too much shock to respond, and then Dan got in my face.
“No, you can’t leave, who is he? You owe me at least that much.” Dan reached out to grab my hand again, but I evaded his touch and was a bit repulsed, truth be told. I power walked away as much as my tummy would let me, still surprised that she’d hit me. As mad as I was, I had my baby to think about.
He started coming after me, but before he could say or do anything else, one of my guards was there telling him to back away while the other one was leading me back to my car in a daze.
I think I was too much in shock to even put the key fop up to the ignition, which is how the tank that Thunder insisted I drive starts. I rolled down the window and beckoned over the guard, that was still standing there waiting for me to move. “Please don’t tell my husband about this.”
“Sorry, ma’am, no can do.” Well hell.
* * *
* * *
“She what?And you just stood there and watched?”
“No sir, we were on top of the situation from the get. We just didn’t want to jump the gun unless it was just a friendly chat. We had no idea that it was her ex, he doesn’t look anything like the picture you gave us.”
“Really, what does he look like? You know what, never mind, I’ll handle it.” I hung up the phone and walked back inside the bakery. “Sorry, Grandma, something came up. Your granddaughter should be here soon. You’ll be fine without me?”
“Of course, you go on and take care of what you need to.” She was already rolling up her sleeves after pulling on her new apron.
No one watching me would know that I was pissed because I never wore my emotions for others to see. There was a lot going on here. First, she didn’t tell me that the appointment was for today, and then she went there on her own even though I knew she was still afraid to step foot in that place.
And last, she didn’t call me to tell me what happened. As if hearing my thoughts, my phone rang, and I pulled over to the side of the road and answered.
“Thunder, where are you? They told you, didn’t they?”
“Yes, they did.”
“I’m at the house; where are you?”
“I’m going to pay your ex-mother-in-law a visit.”
“No, Thunder, you come home right now. Don’t do anything crazy.”
“No, can do, babe.” I hung up the phone before I said something mean to her, which was all I had in me at the moment. Mean.
Iwasn’t sure which house to go to first, but I lucked out on the first try, and from the cars in the driveway, it looked like all the parties involved were here at Dan’s new house. Of course, I knew where he lived; I knew everything about this fuck. On paper, anyway. But from the sounds of it, things had changed physically.
You’d think that in the hour it took to get here, I would’ve calmed down a bit, but you’d be wrong. In fact, the opposite happened. I got more and more pissed as the miles went by. I was pissed at her, pissed at her team, and filled with murderous rage at her ex and his mother.
I used the dashboard to make a call to my head of security as I drove. “Cam, I need a new team on Amanda by tomorrow morning.”
“I understand; I heard what happened. What do you want to do with the team she has now?”
“Put them somewhere else where no one’s life is at stake.”
“Will do. Anyone in particular you want for the new team?”
“Cody’s team.” Cody is an ex-mercenary fuck who shoots first and doesn’t hang around to ask questions later. He’s a bit rough around the edges, so I didn’t think he was a good fit for her, but fuck it. Her last team is lucky that all they’re gonna get is reassigned and not buried in my garden.
By the time I pulled down the street where her ex lived, I was already working on my plea deal after I murder these fucks. I didn’t wait for my boys, who had followed me here, before approaching the house. I just held up my hand to let them know not to follow me inside.
I heard arguing coming from inside before I kicked down the door. Fuck a doorbell. I cased the room at a glance and stepped inside while the three people inside looked like death had come knocking.