Page 32 of Replacing My Ex
“The Doc thinks I got you pregnant, and I’m suffering sympathy pains or something. Trust me, it’s not my idea.” Fuck, if I was going to tell her, it could be anyone else but her. She looked a bit crestfallen after the explanation.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to do this. I promise you that it doesn’t matter to me whether you are or not; I only want you.” I was rambling for sure, but anything to get that look off her face.
“This doesn’t bother me. I’ve done a hundred of these things, so I’m used to the disappointment. I made peace with it a long time ago.”
“So why do you have that look on your face?”
“Because this means that we still don’t know what’s wrong with you.” She walked towards the bathroom with the bag, and my gut twisted itself into knots.
She was in there for a long time, or at least it felt that way. I knocked on the door. “What does it say?” I heard the toilet flush, and then the water in the sink came on before she opened the door. I’d already lived three lifetimes at this point.
“We have to give it time. I just did it.” She looked like she wanted to laugh, so at least she wasn’t hurt by this. I pulled her back to her office and sat with her on my lap to comfort her just in case she was lying to me, and this shit was messing with her head.
“What do we have to do now?”
“We wait a couple minutes, then check to see if it changes.” She sounded very blasé while I was a nervous wreck. I’m not gonna lie; now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I wouldn’t mind having a kid with her, but I’m good either way. As long as I have her, I don’t need nor want anything else; at this point, a kid would just be a bonus.
I guess I figured kissing her was a good way to keep her mind off the shit that was going on in the bathroom, or it’s just that I like kissing her. That’s why I come here every afternoon when the rush is over to steal some kisses since I don’t see her again until late at night.
“I thought you wanted to see?” I was busy nibbling on her neck, which she leaned even more to the side to give me better access.
“How much time has gone by?”
“More than five minutes.” She sounded breathless and horny. If she keeps that up, I’ll do her right here with those college kids running around out there.
I tapped her hip to get her off of me, and we both went to see the results together. I didn’t know what the hell I was supposed to be looking at, but she took one look, and all the color drained from her face. “This can’t be right.” She put down the first one and picked up another, all with the same result.
“What is it? What do they say?” I picked up one of them, but I didn’t see one fucking word on the thing. “What does that bar mean?”
“It says that I’m pregnant. They all say that I’m pregnant, but that can’t be right.” She was in shock.
I’m still in shock, so much so that for the first time since opening, I left the bakery early and went home. I made Thunder stop at a different pharmacy on the way home because I figured there was something wrong with the tests I’d just taken, all of them.
“This doesn’t make any sense.” The new batch had the same results. I guess I must’ve looked like I was going to pass out from the shock because he bundled me into bed and laid there wrapped around me, not saying a word.
I wanted to tell someone but was afraid to do so in case there was a mix-up. “I need to see my gynecologist.”
“Okay, when do you want to go?”
“I have to call and make an appointment first, but Thunder, my doctor is in my old hometown. I’ve been going to her since I was a teen, and I trust her.”
“Okay, so we’ll go to her.”
I rolled over in his arms to look at him. “You’ll come with me?” I didn’t want to admit that the thought of going back there made me uncomfortable. I hadn’t even thought of my ex and that whole mess in months, and the pain of his betrayal is long gone, but that doesn’t mean I want all the memories to come back.
“Of course, I’m coming with you. What did you expect?”
“Okay, but Thunder, just you and me, I don’t need security.”
“Babe, how many men are in your security detail?”
“Four that I know of, but Joy says there’re more; I just can’t see them.”
“Joy is a nosy little shit who needs to stay out of my business.”
“Whatever, what does that have to do with what we’re talking about here?”