Page 16 of Tango
“Alejandro,” I greeted when I answered.
“Call me on a burner.”
He ended the call immediately after. Sighing, I walked into the bedroom and grabbed my burner off the nightstand. I put his number in and called him back. He answered on the first ring.
“Get a pen and paper,” he told me. Silently, I grabbed a notebook and pen out of my nightstand drawer, bending over it. He rattled off an address, and I quickly scribbled it down. “This place is off the grid. The drive up to the cabin is treacherous, so be careful. Do not take a phone. No technology at all. When it’s safe for Gabriel to come home, I’ll come up and get both of you myself. I advise you to get with Scorpion and use his computer to get directions since his shit is heavily protected.”
“Will do. And uh, I guess I should say thanks.”
Alejandro snorted, no doubt amused by how uncomfortable I now was. “Just keep that boy safe.”
With that, he ended the call. I set my burner down and walked over to the closet, snatching down a duffel bag. After filling it with clothes for me and Gabriel, I put a few books inside to help keep Gabriel occupied since I knew this trip was going to be pretty boring for him. Then, I snatched a clean shirt out of the dresser and tugged it over my head.
When I looked over at Gabriel, he was almost asleep, his eyes fluttering open and closed. I walked over to the bed and shrugged on my cut before crouching in front of him, reaching out to run my fingertips over his cheek. He sighed and pressed his face into my hand, making my heart squeeze. “I need to go downstairs. I know you’re sleepy. Can I take you to Halo’s room?”
He nodded and reached for me, my shirt still clutched in his fist. I lifted him from the bed, cradling him against my chest, and strode out of our destroyed room. Halo was coming up the stairs as I entered the hallway.
“Can he sleep in your room?” I asked Halo.
Halo nodded. “Yeah. Of course. Everything good?”
I nodded. “Just need to see Scorpion about something, and Gabriel is crashing.”
Halo pushed open the door to his apartment. I strode over to the bed and gently laid Gabriel down. I tugged his shoes off and then covered him up. After pressing a kiss to his cheek, I ran my hand over his hair. “If you need me, you come find me. You hear?”
He nodded. I pressed another kiss to his cheek before standing up and heading for the door. I nodded once at Halo in thanks and then jogged down the stairs. Scorpion was sitting in his office, Jessica perched on his desk. Destin, their son, was playing with blocks on the floor.
“Hey,” Scorpion grunted. “What’s up?”
“Alejandro called,” I told him. “Need to use your computer, if you don’t mind.”
Scorpion rolled his chair back from the desk, and Jessica hopped down. He stood and scooped Destin from the floor. “We’ll give you some privacy.”
“Thanks,” I muttered.
When the door shut behind them, I grabbed Scorpion’s chair and plopped my ass into it. Then, I began searching for directions to the cabin, writing them down on a piece of paper. And then, just to be on the safe side, I ripped off the paper beneath that one and stuffed it in my pocket so the imprint of what I’d written couldn’t be read.
The steps I would take to protect my boy knew no bounds, and nothing would ever be too “extra” for me to do if it meant he might be just a little bit safer.
Gabriel was still mostly asleep once it was time for us to hit the road. I eased him into the passenger seat of the four-wheel-drive truck Alejandro had dropped off. Gabriel yawned and snuggled into my hoodie as I buckled the seatbelt around him. The only way I could get him to detach from me once he was back in my arms was the promise of him wearing one of my hoodies—my favorite plain black one at that. The fabric swallowed him, but damn if he didn’t look adorable as fuck in it.
And all mine.
“Jessica and I put snacks together for you,” Sophia told me once I shut the truck door. “There’s sandwiches, chips, some water and soda, and there’s some energy drinks in there for you, too.”
“Thanks,” I grunted. I hadn’t expected them to do that, and it was nice of them to. Kept us from being spotted on security cameras since we wouldn’t have to stop for food and drinks—only gas. And when I had to do that, I could have Gabriel hide inside my hoodie.
Gidget walked over to me and handed me a black case. “It’s a gun,” he told me. “Small. Give it to Gabriel.” I blinked in surprise at the unexpected gift before nodding once.
“Thanks, brother.” I opened the case, peering inside. It was the perfect size for my boy. Gidget had chosen well. I didn’t know when he’d gotten it for Gabriel, and I wouldn’t ask. But honestly, Gabriel needed this.
“And here’s ammunition for it.” Gidget handed over a box.
I set both in the backseat. Scorpion clapped a hand to my back. “Drive safe. I don’t like this radio silence bullshit. If shit goes south, promise you’ll call.”
I nodded once. “I’ll call.” I left out the “I promise” he wanted, and by the downturn of his lips, he’d definitely taken notice.
When it came to protecting Gabriel, I would do whatever the fuck I wanted, even if it meant turning my back on my family, on the club that had given me somewhere to belong. Now, I belonged to Gabriel, even if I wore the Satan’s Worshippers MC cut on my back.