Page 14 of Tango
“Baby!” he barked, grasping my face in his hands. He gently shook me. I blinked, my scream lodging in my throat at the hard look in his eyes. “Stay down and fucking hide. Understand?” He shoved his pistol into my bloodied hands. His eyes tracked it, but he must have seen it only came from my broken fingernail because he didn’t lose his shit. Instead, he just squeezed my wrists, his eyes locking back on mine. “You know enough to shoot someone at close range, right?” I nodded. “Good. Someone comes near that’s not one of us, not part of this family, put a bullet through their skull.”
With that, he was on his feet, rushing away from me.
I was going to throw up again.
Ihated leaving Gabriel alone in that closet without me right there beside him to protect him, but it was the safest place for him. He was at least out of the way of the window, which made it much harder to target him. I couldn’t do much about protecting the door, but I could try to help my brothers get rid of these fuckers by firing from the window.
Because like fuck was I leaving my boy alone with no one to defend him.
I snatched my other gun out of my nightstand drawer, ducking when the glass of the window shattered and a bullet hit the wall across from it. Gabriel shrieked.
“Stay calm, baby,” I called to him, swallowing the growl rumbling in my chest. I fucking hated that these assholes had the fucking audacity to put my boy in so much danger. “You’re going to be okay.”
I clenched my jaw, quickly checking my ammo before low-crawling toward the window, all of my previous military training coming back to me like muscle memory. When I peered over the window, I counted nine men—three in suits, four in leather cuts that labeled them as Ghosts of Chaos members. They were ducking behind vehicles and bikes to hide from my brothers, but from my angle, I could easily make them out.
I raised my pistol, slowing my breaths and forcing my heart rate to calm. There was no time for fear. No time for panic or thoughts of Gabriel. I blocked out the sound of my sweet boy crying from the closet. I knew he was terrified. I wanted to do nothing more than hold him, but I was better right where I was at. Right where I could eliminate these mother fuckers and protect him best.
Slowly breathing out, I pulled the trigger, popping one of the guys in a suit right in the head. I ducked back down immediately and rolled out of the way of the window. Bullets flew through the shattered window, slamming into the clubhouse siding and into my room walls.
“Tango?!” Gabriel called, his voice high-pitched and filled with fear.
“I’m fine, baby,” I promised him, my voice steady and calm. “I’m fine,” I repeated again. “Just stay hidden, you hear me?”
The gunshots stopped coming into my room. I waited a moment, listening to the shouts of my brothers and the gunfire still happening downstairs. Then, I rose onto my knees, lifted my pistol, quickly aimed, and fired, this time taking out a Ghosts of Chaos member the same way I took out the Russian asshole.
I dropped back down again. Bullets rushed through the window and embedded themselves in the wall with all the others. “Tango?” Gabriel shakily called again.
“I’m good, baby boy,” I assured him. I wouldn’t leave him—not when he needed me most. Like fuck would I let a bullet harm me when Gabriel needed my protection.
I repeated the process again, taking out another Ghosts of Chaos member—this time with a shot to his forehead just as he’d looked up at me, catching my movement. He hadn’t even had a moment to alert one of the others of my location. They knew where I was, but they had no idea who I was. Which meant they wouldn’t easily be able to locate my boy.
He was still safe.
“Still good,” I assured Gabriel before he could call out for me again.
The door to my room opened, and Halo and Reese rushed in. Halo slid an AK across the floor to me, and I dropped my pistol before snatching the rifle up. “Fully loaded,” he told me, moving to the closet to protect Gabriel and comfort him. My gut cramped at the thought of another man—even one I trusted like Halo—comforting my boy, but right then, I had no other options, and Gabriel needed someone. “Kill those fuckers.”
Halo sure as fuck didn’t have to tell me twice. “Get Gabriel and get him out of this room,” I ordered. “He’s armed.”
Halo nodded and rushed into the closet. Reese guarded the closet door, his own AK held in his hands. “Something happens to him,” I told Reese, making sure Halo could hear me too, “I’ll put a bullet between both your eyes.”
“Understood,” Reese told me, not even flinching at the threat. “We’ll protect him with our lives, brother.”
I nodded once and turned my attention back to the window. Licking my lips, I counted down from three in my head. I shouted, “Go!” at Reese and Halo, and then I opened fire on the last two men in suits and the remaining four Ghosts of Chaos members, slaughtering them. Blood splattered the gravel lot. Bullets ricocheted off their bikes and the SUV they rode onto the lot with. The windshield and the car windows shattered.
Pure chaos met my eyes and ears.
I lowered the gun from the window and switched the safety on. After raising to my feet, I strapped the rifle across my chest, letting the gun hang behind me.
I had one thing on my mind—my boy. I could hear him crying down the hall from Halo’s room, sobbing for me. My boots quickly ate the distance between me and him, and when I shoved open Halo’s door, Gabriel launched himself out of the closet and slammed into me.
I wrapped my arms around him, sinking to the floor with him in my arms. “I thought you were going to get hurt!” he cried. He slammed his fists into my chest, snot running down his face, tears streaking down his cheeks. Despite how much of a mess he was, he still looked so goddamn breathtakingly beautiful. But those tears were hiding my freckles, and I needed them to stop. “I thought—I thought?—”
I hugged him close to me, gently rocking him side to side. “I’m here, boy. I’m alive. I’m unharmed. I’m okay,” I soothed.