Page 11 of Tango
Only problem was, I didn’t know how to approach the subject with him. Tango was suspicious of a lot, and I didn’t want him to think I wanted to learn so I could leave. I didn’t want to leave. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to be by his side forever, even if I had to eventually watch him fall in love with someone else. I was willing to suffer through that pain if it meant still having him.
My heart clenched. I quickly shoved that thought away. If Tango could tell I was upset, he’d never agree to help me.
I sighed and rolled onto my side. I locked my tablet, no longer in the mood to read, and set it on the nightstand. Curling my arms under the pillow, I closed my eyes. A nap sounded really good, and maybe when I woke up, I’d know how to ask Tango to teach me self-defense.
“You’re too quiet,” Tango murmured later that night. I glanced up at him from my styrofoam container of food. We were downstairs sitting at one of the tables eating dinner that Mark had been kind enough to order for everyone. The poor delivery guy had been overwhelmed by the amount of styrofoam containers he’d been sent to deliver. I’d offered to help carry some in, but Tango had told me to, and I quote, “Sit your cute ass down at that table and do not fucking move, boy.”
Mark had chuckled and winked at me as soon as Tango turned his back, and my face had flamed so red, I was pretty sure it was going to ignite. But despite that, the Chinese food was really good… even if I could hardly stomach it with my belly in so many knots.
I sighed and set down my plastic fork. Tango did as well and leaned back in his chair, crossing his bulky, tattooed arms over his chest. His blue eyes were intense as he stared at me, waiting for me to say whatever was on my mind.
I nervously fidgeted with my fingers. I wasn’t sure how to approach this, but Tango had already noticed I was out of it, so I couldn’t put it off any longer. Honestly, I was surprised he hadn’t said anything sooner. He sure as hell had been eyeing me for a few hours now like he wanted to see inside my head and figure me out.
“I want you to help teach me how to defend myself,” I blurted, looking up at him.
His shoulders deflated, and he softly laughed, shaking his head. I frowned. Why was he laughing at me? My heart clenched, my throat convulsing. “That’s it?” he asked me. “That’s what had you so worked up?” I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head, my voice failing me. He brushed his hand over his buzzed hair, shaking his head. “Fuck, I thought it was something bad, baby boy.” He picked up his fork and leaned back over the table, nodding his head at my own container. “Eat.”
“So, will you?” I asked, feeling a little more relaxed now that he wasn’t mad at me. He hadn’t said yes yet, but he also hadn’t outright said no. If Tango was going to tell me no, he would’ve done so immediately after the words fell from my lips.
He nodded. “We’ll start early in the morning before Scorpion calls for church,” he told me. I groaned, suddenly second-guessing my decision. Tango laughed again, and the husky, deep sound had my heart swelling in my chest. It felt ten sizes too big for my chest cavity, and for a moment, I feared it would split me right open. Tango didn’t laugh often, but when he did, his laugh never failed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like the warmest, softest blanket was draped over me.
“Early mornings suck,” I muttered, stabbing a piece of shrimp.
“Too bad,” Tango told me. “Exercise will do you good anyway, boy. And tomorrow afternoon, we’ll get some gun safety in, yeah?”
I nodded. “Okay. But I want a nap somewhere in between.”
Tango smirked at me. “Sure, baby.”
My cheeks reddened. I focused back on my food, ignoring how my body reacted to Tango’s smirk and laugh. I was hard as a rock.
Hopefully, my dick would soften before I had to get up and throw my trash away. I wasn’t sure how to explain a boner to Tango… or anyone else currently in the room.
My dick wilted at that thought. Well… that did the trick.
Gabriel groaned and shoved the pillow over his head. He was normally sweet and kind and willing to do whatever I told him to do.
That was unless he was being woken up before he was ready to be awake, even if this had been his idea the entire time. Then, he was grouchy and bratty.
And fuck, it did something to my cock every single time. My palm itched to spank the brat out of him and watch his eyes go all hazy as he gave in to me and let me take control of his body, his orgasms…
No, Tango.
I halted those thoughts immediately. I could not fucking go there. Not when I was wearing a pair of gray sweats that would do nothing to hide how hard I currently was for him. I wanted Gabriel all the time. It was so damn easy to fantasize about what I’d do to him, the way I’d take care of him. How I’d fuck my cock inside his tight little ass and own him.
I wrapped my hand around my cock hard enough that I had to bite my tongue to swallow my groan of pain. But my dick went down, which was what I needed it to do.
“Baby boy, get out of bed,” I ordered. He swatted my hand away when I gently shook him. Sighing, I gripped the sheets and ripped them back. He squeaked and curled into a ball. I sighed. “Gabriel, now,” I warned him. “You asked for me to help train you. Don’t waste my time, boy.”
He groaned, sounding like a wild animal. I had to bite back a smile. How the fuck was one boy this damn adorable?
“I changed my mind,” he rasped, still curled into that tight little ball as if he’d be able to somehow stay warm without the blankets covering him.
This boy…