Page 31 of Bullet
“You know why?”
Crush shrugged. “Nope. Not my business.”
Rocket shifted Lemon around so she straddled him, then stood with her in his arms. “Don’t know. Don’t give a fuck. Time to go fuck my woman.”
That got laughs from everyone.
“Sounds like a good idea. Think me and Cecilia’ll do the same.”
I laughed, snuggling closer to Bullet as he stood and carried me from the room. With a sigh, I latched onto his neck with my mouth, sucking softly.
“Woman, I’m gonna fuck you all night.”
“Good. ‘Cause I’m gonna fuck you all night too.”
“Damn straight you are. Might fuck you all day tomorrow.”
“Promises, promises…”
Somehow, he got the door open to our room, then took me inside, kicking the door shut behind him. We made short work of our clothes. I soon found myself on my hands and knees with Bullet mounting me from behind.
The sex was fast and furious, but no less pleasurable than it was when he took his time. No matter what we did, no matter how many times he fucked me, Bullet always made sure to give me as much pleasure as he could. And sex with him was always pleasurable.
When we were both spent, Bullet rolled us to our sides, his cock still firmly inside me as he pulled me close, spooning me against him. He sometimes did that. Held me until I fell asleep with his cock still inside me, only to wake me a little while later with slow, steady thrusts until I came again.
We were both breathing hard as he pulled the comforter around us, tucking it in around me before settling himself. I think I drifted off before I felt him slip something onto my finger.
“Shh, baby. Go back to sleep.”
Of course, I didn’t. I raised my hand to look at the ring he’d placed on my finger. It was a simple diamond solitaire on a gold band. The gem was the perfect size for my finger. Not too big. Not too tiny.
“What’s this?”
“You know what it is.” His voice was gruff with emotion. Or maybe it was where he’d just come his brains out and bellowed to the rafters.
“I know what it looks like, but you never said.”
“It’s an engagement ring.”
I waited for more… like, you know, “Will you marry me?” but it never came.
“Uh, aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Bullet! You’re supposed to ask me to marry you.”
“Am not.”
“Are to! What the fuck?” I tried to move, but he just grunted and tightened his hold on me.
“Stay still. Sleep.”
“Bullet --”
He cut me off. “Askin’ means you could say no. Ain’t askin’.”