Page 19 of Bullet
“I don’t have to. What do you think’s gonna happen when my sister hears how you’re harassing an old lady in this club? You’ll be out on your ear.”
“She’s not an old lady.” Chyna sneered at me, looking me up and down and obviously finding me lacking. “Anyone looking at her can tell what she is. She’s a whore. Just like the rest of us. Patched members don’t take whores as old ladies.”
I shook my head, not wanting to believe what Chyna was saying but knowing it was true. The mafia leaders and enforcers didn’t take wives from or claim women who were whores. Double standard? Definitely. But they didn’t want every man in the family knowing what their wives were like in bed. Since the men were in charge, the rest of us didn’t have a say.
“That’s it.” Apple stood and advanced on Chyna. The taller woman looked smug, like she didn’t believe anyone Apple’s size could possibly hurt her. Chyna was at least five ten while Apple wasn’t much over five three. But what Apple lacked in brawn, she apparently made up for in spunk.
Before Chyna could react, Apple launched herself at the larger woman. She wrapped her legs around Chyna’s middle and used the heel of her hand to pound Chyna’s nose.
“What the fuck?” A man stormed into the room and pulled Apple off Chyna. Apple struggled to get out of his arms and back into the fight while Chyna screamed.
“Bitch broke my nose!” she wailed, covering her bleeding nose with her hands.
“Let me go, Spike.” Apple kicked back, trying to catch the big man in the knee but missing. Spike didn’t look like he was even breaking a sweat.
“When you calm down. You can’t go around beating up people. What were you doing?” He sounded like he’d had this conversation a few times. His expression said he didn’t usually have it with Apple.
“Teaching a bitch some manners.” Apple stilled so Spike let her down. She scrubbed her bloody palm on her jeans before looking down and shrugging. “My suggestion,” Apple said as she gave Chyna a death stare, “would be to worry more about minding your own fuckin’ business than about some mobster. You want to be part of his fucking stable, go. See how well he treats you compared to this club. But you will stop trying to guilt Cecilia into leaving. She’s Bullet’s woman and you don’t honestly think he got his name because he’s a doctor, do you?” Apple kicked the other woman in the shin just as Lemon entered the room.
“The fuck?” She looked from Apple to Chyna and back again. The disbelief on her. Then she scowled. “I’m the badass sister. You’re the docile one. Remember? Bad Apple.”
Apple grinned at her sister. “You’re damned right I’m a bad apple.” She nodded to the women who’d gathered around Chyna. “Get the bitches under control, Lemon. Cecilia doesn’t deserve their venom.”
Lemon looked from her sister to me and back. Then she looked at the gathering of club girls, her expression hardening. “Venom?”
“Same thing they tried to do with me and you. We’ve got each other’s backs. Cecilia is still finding her footing. She doesn’t need this shit.”
“So you beat the shit outta her?” Lemon looked and sounded confused.
Apple started, then looked back at her sister, an annoyed look on her face. “I’ll have you know I’m perfectly capable of dishing out what’s needed. I like Cecilia. You said it yourself. We’re all gonna be besties. And besties have each other’s backs.”
Lemon said nothing for a long moment, scowling. Then a grin split her face. “Way to go, sis! Always knew you had it in you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. I covered it with my hand, glancing over at Chyna. “I guess we should get her help. Bullet’s gone to see a patient. Is there someone else who could help her?”
“Bullet’s the doc,” Lemon said with a shrug. “She can put some frozen peas on it or something ‘til he gets back. She brought this on herself.”
“What do you mean, gone to help a patient?” Chyna asked, her hand still over her bloody nose. “Ain’t no one in the infirmary.”
“He has a patient from the hospital he’s helping with her medicine.” I spoke up gamely, genuinely wanting to help Chyna. “I’m not much of a doctor, but I’ve had to help some of the women I live with after a John got too rough. I’ll help you clean up.”
Chyna snorted, then groaned as her nose protested. “A patient,” she spat. “He’s obviously got a woman away from the club he’s fucking. No one makes house calls. Are you fuckin’ stupid?”
That cut deep. I didn’t believe it of Bullet, but we hadn’t resumed any kind of personal relationship since he’d brought me here. Sure, I was sleeping in his room, but he usually slept in a chair beside the bed. Or on the couch.
“That’s it.” Apple took several steps toward Chyna. The other woman cried out in fear and turned and ran out of the room.
Apple followed until, once again, Spike snagged her. “Ease up there, little hellion.”
“Someone causing trouble?”
Lemon shook her head. “You could say that, Ringo. Confine Chyna to the club girl’s section until further notice. She continues to cause trouble with the old ladies, and I won’t have it.”
Ringo looked from Lemon to me and raised an eyebrow. “Wasn’t aware Bullet had claimed her.”
“She’s in his room, ain’t she?” Lemon’s eyes narrowed. “That’s enough for me.”
“He’s not,” I said softly. “He’s just helping me. Like he is his patient he’s gone to see.” I blinked, realizing what I’d said. “I mean, assuming that’s even where he went.” I sniffed, knowing I was about to break down.