Page 5 of Dragon Heir's Passion
Everything with Kinsley is perfect and I can’t even remember how many times we did it that day. If she’s not pregnant now, I’m going to be really surprised but I’m going to keep making love to her until it happens. I don’t care what might end up happening between us because I just want her to eventually realize what she is to me. It’s hard for a human to understand but I think that I’m going to be able to prove it to her with time… Hopefully.
It's definitely not something she’s going to come to terms with, but I’d like to think that I am pretty persuasive. After everything that I have done, I have tried to make sure that she knows she is going to be safe by my side. A lot of people have laughed when I stated that because why should she be safe next to me? I don’t know why not what I would end up responding to them.
It pisses me off that they think they can just badmouth her and I’m going to let them get away with it. I might not get them now, but I will surely have my revenge later. I don’t care when and how I have to do it. I just sip on my drink as I listen to my family scream at me and demand for me to answer their questions. They do not understand how I can stoop so low as to accept a human girl to carry my heir. Of course, I didn’t know who Kinsley was when I accepted it but I’m glad that I did. I honestly think it is going to be a lot of fun and I quite frankly don’t give a damn what any one of them says because it is not their life. They are not the ones who are going to have to live with it. I will make sure that they know I’m not one to be fucked with or even tested right now because I can assure them that I won’t be so merciful.
“I have heard enough.” I murmur, making them go quiet because I am the king and I have that power, “you do not have to agree with my choices, but you will agree with me in the fact that it is my decision on who I want to become my consort and I do NOT have to ask any one of you for permission. Do you understand me?”
They are all grumbling to themselves. I know that they think that they have some kind of leverage over me, but they have nothing. They will continue to have NOTHING because I have never allowed one of them to stand in my way. I won’t allow them to go down that path because I can’t let them think that they remotely have that power because they would end up ruining everything that I have built. I don’t even give a damn what they try to say because it is becoming more and more apparent that I might end up getting fucked over in the long run if I allow this to happen.
“I don’t have to explain my decisions to any one of you.” I tell them coldly, reminding them of who they are speaking to, “and I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about my Consort like that. I like that she is going to do just fine carrying my heir and I have full faith in her. If you don’t trust me, then trust my judgement.”
Mom is still looking at me like I’m nuts, “but she is human, Mason, isn’t this going against numerous codes. I understand that you have kept thinking that maybe you’re doing the right thing by allowing this shit to happen but I’m not going to stand by and watch you ruin your life for one of them. I’m sorry, I can’t see that happening.”
“Like I said before, it’s a good thing I don’t care what you think.” I agree with her, finishing off my drink, “I knew the decision I was making when I accepted her and I’m not going back on my word. I am not that kind of person, and you will NOT expect me to be either. If you respect me, then you’re going to respect my choices as well. Do you understand?”
They are looking at me like I’m crazy and that’s okay with me. I don’t have to make them understand how I feel in this entire moment because I have been through so much in my life and I know for a fact that I’m not going to let them screw me over. If they end up doing this, I know for a fact that I might end up with a bloody war on my hands and I can’t allow that to happen either. I’m making the right decision, and they better respect my decision as well. If they don’t, there is no promises that I won’t have their heads for this.
“I know that you’re trying to be the King and make the decisions, Mason.” Dad murmurs, obviously looking at me with disappointment like usual, “But I did kind of think that you would be a little bit smarter about this. We KNOW what kind of person that human is, and we know what her kind is capable of. We know for a fact that she is going to turn against you the minute she is able to, and I know that she’s going to do whatever she can to make sure that you lose everything. Is that something you want to risk?”
I know what they want to hear from me, and I can’t do it. I will not get rid of her but I’m not going to explain my reasonings as to why. I shouldn’t have to, and they should just accept it when I say something. Of course, I appreciate when someone gives me advice, but I do not agree when the person they are talking about is innocent.
I understand what her people have done but she has done no such things. If they want to pick a fight with someone, then pick it with me because I can assure them that I won’t stand for this. If they continue to insult her, they will not like me.
“I just hope you know what you’re doing.” Mom murmurs, looking away and I swear she is planning something, but I don’t know what, “and we will continue to support your decision, but I hope you won’t be too upset when she ends up throwing all of this in your face. Unfortunately, I know her kind and I know what they are capable of. I’m just warning you now.”
I wish that they would just leave me alone because I don’t want to talk about this. I rise to my feet, and I walk away from them, hoping for the best in this moment because I might end up murdering one of them if they do not quit it.
I don’t see myself as a violent person, but I can be if provoked.
All I know is they better stay away from my mate…
Chapter Seven
I don’t know what I was expecting when I found out that I was pregnant. I’m just staring at the royal doctor like he had just grown two heads, unsure of what’s going through his head right now. I know for a fact that there is no way in hell that I’m going to be dealing with him and I get the fact that I don’t understand what he’s talking about. I run my fingers through my hair because Mason isn’t with me, and I know I’m going to need to tell him. It’s kind of shocking to hear because I didn’t think we would get pregnant so quickly and I’m staring at him like he is crazy. Did this really end up happening? I’m not even sure right now.
“You should be happy to be carrying the King’s heir.” The Royal Doctor murmurs, giving me a scalding look because it is obvious that he doesn’t like me one bit, “I don’t understand what is wrong with women like yourself, especially humans, but you’re making me go crazy with how you’re looking at me like I had just said something funny. Are you even sure that you’re going to be doing the right thing.”
I bite my bottom lip and I look away because I want to say something mean right now, “I’m sorry, I just wasn’t expecting to get pregnant so quickly. I’m sure you can see why I might be a little shocked right now.”
His eyes narrow coldly and he sneers, “I know. You just thought that you could come here and expect his protection without doing anything about it. I know that the only thing that I can do is make sure that I’m not going to end up getting screwed over in the process. Running my fingers through my hair once more, I rise to my feet, and I glare at him because I’m not going to do this shit.
“I don’t understand what your problem is but I’m not going to put up with this. I have been through a lot right now and I know for a damn fact that you have no right to talk to me like this. If Mason heard you talking to me like this, he would end up murdering you and then you would be disposed of.” I continue on coldly, shaking my head, “I understand that you do not like me, and I get that. I don’t expect you to like me nor do I expect you to understand me. I think that the best thing for me to do right now is to think about what we’re going to do about it, and I want to know if this is going to bite me in the ass, but I’m carrying the heir. You better treat me with a little respect, or I will have no choice but to tell him everything.”
“Tell me what?” I suddenly hear Mason ask.
I look up and he is standing in the doorway, looking a bit curious but also suspicious. He’s gazing at the Royal Doctor like he had just grown two heads and is going to do everything in his power to make sure that I know precisely what he’s doing to me. I know what I have been through, and I know that there’s no way that I could just accept all of this because I can’t get mad at him for something that I have had no control over.
I make my way over to Mason who looks like he might attack the doctor at any second. Even though I would be quite pleased if he did because of how that bastard has been treating me, but I just hold my tongue because I don’t want anyone to die because of me. That would just give them ANOTHER reason to hate me more than they already do. I don’t get their hatred but I’m going to do everything in my power to just keep ignoring it.
“Mason,” I murmur, taking his hands and placing them on my belly, “I am pregnant.”
His eyes widened with shock, staring at me like I had just said something else, “What?”
I just smile as I look at him, “I know. I was really shocked that this happened because I didn’t think we would get pregnant right away. I think you must have high seed vitality if you’re getting me pregnant already. You’re driving me nuts.”