Page 93 of Grave Investigations
“Okay,” he says reluctantly. I know it’s fear talking, not the fact he really thinks I”m not capable.
Lucien and Jayce are just a few steps behind us.
“Ready, Jayce?” I ask.
He nods, “As ready as I will ever be.”
“We got this,” I tell Eli and Lucien, before turning back to the house.
There is a creak of wood and a door slam, sounding like it came from around back.
“What was that ?” Eli questions.
“Pandora was trying to tell us there was someone on the farm, and they are going to get away because we couldn’t decide on who was going in,” I say as I start to run around the house.
With careful steps, I use my flashlight to look for obstacles, there are a lot of downed trees and limbs which just makes it harder. That will be one of the first things that we fix. But that’s a future us problem.
I pause to listen for any sign of the intruder, but the only thing I can make out is the thunder of my guys’ feet.
“Where…are…they…at?” Eli asks in between breaths.
“Gone or just hiding in the woods. I didn’t spot anyone. Should we call the sheriff?” I ask.
“Can we trust the sheriff?” Lucien asks.
“Pandora told me not to trust anyone, so I don’t know,” I reply.
“We need to check the cameras,” Jayce remembers. “Let’s call the sheriff and he can review them with us.
“No, we look them over first. Pandora told me not to trust anyone. That includes the sheriff. There is something about him that rubs me the wrong way,” I admit. “He pops up a lot. It’s a little too convenient.
“Yeah, he was acting strange when we found the bodies. I thought I was reading too much into it,” Eli says. "Let’s get back to the other house and I can pull my laptop up. See if there are any shots of the face of this asshole that is on our land.”
“Yes, I don’t like being out here in the dark. We need to add some lighting so it’s not so creepy,” Lucien states. “Plus, it’ll be safer that way.” He steadies me as I stumble over a limb, only accentuating his point.
Eli takes my hand and we head back in the direction of the house.
“I hate this. Ghosts are hard enough to deal with, but people are ten times worse,” Jayce states from behind me.
“Most spirits are harmless,” I tell him. “Lucien for example. We just seem to end up with the wrong ones as well.”
“Yes, Stella was a psycho bitch and death didn’t take that from her,” Lucien comments.
“That may be, but Raven was able to bring you back to life so there was one plus to sending her to hell,” Eli says.
“Aww, sweet memories,” Lucien comments as he holds the back door open for us.
“I’ll see if we have some way to make coffee. Or Jayce and I can run to the little diner in town. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night,” I say with a yawn.
Jayce doesn’t stop until he boots up his computer and his fingers start working their magic. “Coffee would be amazing, but I have the footage pulled up.”
It was well past midnight by the time we got back to the farmhouse. We’d scouted out the only twenty-four hour fast food restaurant and a gas station, grabbing energy drinks, snacks, and food to get us through.
We almost look like we’re having a board meeting, all sitting around, laptops open. Well, except for the junk food on the table between us.
Watching the footage was about as fun as watching ice melt. The most exciting thing I’d picked up on was a fly zooming across the feed. Jayce had separated the entire last week into sections and passed them out.