Page 86 of Grave Investigations
Raven raises a brow at me.
“Nature calls,” I shrug, “Can someone remind me of where the bathroom is?”
Eli sighs, “I’ll show you.”
He gives Raven a kiss on the cheek before guiding me.
The place was probably nice when it was first built, but I secretly hoped that Raven would let us knock this place down and start fresh. I mean, the demo would be fun, and we don’t really know everything that her creepy uncle did here. The vibes alone have me hesitant to make it our own.
“Earth to Jayce,” Eli says, waving a hand in my face.
“What?” I ask.
“Bathroom?” he queries, pointing at the door. “What were you thinking about?”
“Demo,” I tell him honestly.
“This house gives me the creeps,” he says as he goes still and starts to fall backwards.
It’s so sudden, I don’t even have time to process it before I move to catch him, yelling for Lucien and Raven. I struggle a bit under his weight but manage to get us both to the ground.
Eli starts to shudder and shake in my arms and my screams turn even more frantic. Raven and Lucien’s footsteps fill the air and I finally breathe.
I hate seeing him like this and I know it’s got to do with our newfound abilities. We may have had our differences in the past, but he doesn't deserve this.
When Raven and Eli first got together, his cockiness and self-assuredness rubbed me the wrong way. After some time, I got used to it. Seeing him like this is unnerving, I think the three of us agree.
“What happened?” Raven asks as she finally reaches us, kneeling down next to us.
“Ghost?” I question. “He was just showing me the bathroom and he fell over. Now he’s having some sort of seizure.”
“Eli, can you hear me? Come back to me,” Raven says as she caresses his cheek. He finally stops shaking and his eyes blink a few times, though he looks disoriented still.
"So, does this mean no coffee?” Lucien asks to lighten the mood.
Raven laughs and Eli starts to sit up to look around.
“What happened?” Eli questions.
“Easy there. Give yourself a minute,” I tell him as he lowers back down.
“Jayce, we are gonna have to feed you more. You aren’t a very comfy pillow,” Eli teases half-heartedly.
“I’ve been telling him that for years,” Raven laughs.
“You two did promise me breakfast,” I shrug. “But then Eli had to go and be all dramatic.”
Eli must have decided that he was ready to get up, because his weight leaves my legs. However, he does manage to give me a glare.
“Get in there and use the bathroom and then I can tell you what I saw over some pancakes. You deserve a stack or two for not letting me hit the floor,” he tells me as he pushes up off my shoulder.
“Let’s get out of here,” I say, brushing the dust off my pants. “I can hold it until we get to the diner.”
The waitress sets a stack of fluffy warm goodness in front of me. “Do you need anything, sugar?” She has a raspy voice that speaks of one too many smoke breaks but her smile is inviting. The waitress was in her mid-fifties and had a bright-red apron on that displayed the diner’s logo.
“Do you have blueberry syrup?” I ask, a little too eagerly. After the stress of the nightmare and Eli’s fainting, I need something sweet and delicious.
“Sure do. What about you three? Need anything?” she asks the others as she finishes handing out the plates. It isn’t lost on me that her attention lingers on me more than the others.