Page 40 of Grave Investigations
Ah yes, Stella. What are we going to do about her?
“Any luck finding where she is buried?” I ask, my eyes stopping on Jayce. I’ve hung around in the shadows long enough to know he’s usually the one with the plan.
“Ah, Raven told you that I was researching it. It’s kinda my thing.” That and I could see you when you couldn’t see me.
“I don’t know how useful a new back-to-life professor of history will be to help on this, but you have my word I’ll do what I can. Stella has to be stopped.” I stop and glance back at Raven, the girl who has literally shaken up my afterlife and the laws of life and death. “I won’t fail her.” Raven’s eyes soften but the mention of Stella has tension filling her expression.
“Do you know anything about ghosts or spirits?”
“That’s not the kind of history I taught. I’m not sure that I will be much help at all,” I admit. Feeling useless isn’t something I’m okay with so I’ll have to find a way to add to the group, to prove to Raven I’m a worthy companion.
“I think that you will be helpful, even if we use you and Raven as bait,” Eli says without skipping a beat.
“Stella is hellbent on killing Raven and keeping you. I’m sure that you will be very useful,” Jayce agrees. “You may just have to do a bit of acting.”
I’m not sure what they mean, but I know it can’t be good. Before I can overthink it, my stomach lets out a long rumble that startles me enough I jump.
Raven giggles a little as she rises to her feet. “I think we have some leftovers I can heat up for you. And just think, you finally get to experience the fast food era.” I’ve eyed some meals on campus that looked amazing and the reminder has my stomach rumbling all over again.
“Rav, you lay back down. I can handle that and Eli can get the clothes. We have to get things ready for our little excursion. You rest, we don’t know how much bringing a soul from the other side took out of you.” Guilt bubbles in me at the thought of hurting Raven. That is the last thing I want to do but I know she won’t want me to dwell on something that isn’t in my control.
Raven makes a face at Jayce but does as she is asked. "I’m a little lightheaded but don’t you three even think of leaving me here alone.”
“Oh yes, that was the plan. Leave you here as live bait for Stella to have her way with,” Eli jokes. I like the easy dynamic they have with each other. Right now, I feel a bit like a fourth wheel but hopefully, that will ease. Because even I can admit that being here with her, even them, just feels right. “Come on, Wolf. Let’s get you changed and ready.”
I don’t want to leave Raven alone, especially if Stella is lurking around but I remind myself that between the three of us she’ll be safe. Not to mention I’ll have to change from my outdated clothes if I don’t want to draw attention to us.
“I don’t require much and I appreciate all your kindness so far,” I tell them as we walk down the hall.
“If our girl likes you, then you’re fine by us,” Jayce states.
“Don’t thank us yet. I know I can be an asshole,” Eli pipes in.
“I think we can all be that way,” I counter.
“Do you know why Stella is attached to you?” Jayce asks abruptly.
“Don't mind him, he’s not so good at keeping his mind on one conversation at a time,” Eli laughs as I blink at his friend.
“She’s just crazy, I don’t know of any reason other than that,” I admit. “I’d spoken to her father about it but it was always another excuse. He was blinded by love.”
“Women are nuts.” Eli says with a shrug. “Her more than most.”
“I heard that,” Raven calls from the other room.
“Good, you can tell Wolf here I’m not lying.”
Raven grunts and the three of us laugh.
"What do you have planned for Stella?” I need to keep them on track and I’m quickly realizing that will be a full time job.
Jayce’s eyes light up at my question, as if he was waiting for someone to ask.
“Here’s a sandwich. I’m going to raid Jayce’s closet while he fills you in,” Eli says before disappearing down the hall.
There are plenty of problems to figure out, like how I have no real identity anymore, no documentation, no job, but all of that will have to wait while we deal with Stella. Otherwise, my second life will be shorter than the first.