Page 37 of Grave Investigations
“So, the last place that she could be is at the asylum, and our worst option is that she is an unmarked grave. That would be the ultimate nightmare, we would never find her,” Eli pipes in.
“Then let’s cross our fingers that she’s at the asylum and easy to find.” Jayce states. “They had to have had some respect for the dead, right?”
My face is a mask of optimism, but inside, I’m freaking out. Stella would never take us to her body, so she would plague us until I was dead just like she wanted.
“Okay, since we are going to the asylum, I’m going to Google the place and see if I can get a layout and we can form some sort of plan.”
“How’d I know you were going to say that, Jayce?” I ask with a smirk.
He blushes but gives me a quick kiss on the lips.
“Duty calls, I have some work for my father I need to get caught up on, anyway,” Eli states with a sigh.
“I have some jewelry pieces to finish and post for sale. It’s nice to keep my hands busy.”
Eli smiles at me. “That’s not a bad idea, but I’m going to grab my laptop and sit with you. I won’t give that bitch the opportunity to kill you under my watch.”
“I’ll be fine, Jayce and I added some hex bags around the apartment. She shouldn’t be able to get to me. If I feel anything off I’ll come in here with you. Unless you don’t want to be lonely.”
“It’s probably best that you stay in your little corner and keep your mess with you,” Eli jokes with a wink.
“Organized chaos, not a mess,” I remind him.
“Whatever you say, Rav.” Eli laughs.
Ignoring his laughter, I go into the spare room where we set up a corner for all my creations. I’m excited to have more time for my jewelry but coming in just now I feel overwhelmed. Sure, I’ve sold enough for some pocket change but now it has to be my livelihood even if Eli says he will take care of everything. He isn’t a macho asshole but I want to pull my weight if I can. That means this can’t just be a hobby. Once things die down a bit I'll have to brainstorm how to take it all to the next level.
All this talk about fire has apparently infiltrated my creative side, too. Every idea I have for my next few pieces all share a fiery theme. The orange-red beads I found online called to me and somehow I had them ordered before I realized what I was doing. So, it’s meant to be.
“Lucien, are you here?” I whisper.
I’m disappointed at the returning silence. There’s a pull to him that I can’t explain and I’m not sure how to tell Jayce and Eli about it. Would they think I’m just as crazy as Stella? Do I want to burn the world down to make Lucien mine? No, but I do want him close. Is that weird? Maybe. How can I be attracted to a ghost? Is it a result of almost dying and I’m mistaking it for some sort of otherworldly attraction?
Maybe explaining it to Lucien will be a good first step.
“Hello?” I call out again.
Lucien doesn’t answer, so I sit at my desk and click on the lamp. I won’t lie to myself and say I’m not disappointed but I have work to do whether my ghostly companion visits or not.
The best thing about my jewelry making is that I don’t have to concentrate too hard to make beautiful pieces appear in my hands. It gives me enough time to try and sort through the mess of my thoughts.
"What are you humming?” Lucien asks from behind me. His voice startles me and I accidentally tip the small container of beads, sending them rolling over the floor. I scramble to clean them up before they get too far before answering.
“Shit, you can’t just sneak up on me like that.”
“You were so intent on your work I thought better of bugging you but you keep humming the same tune over and over again. It intrigued me.” Does that mean he was watching me? Is he noticing the same connection I am?
“It’s fine. I’m just grateful I wasn’t using my soldering iron,” I laugh to try and hide how flustered I am now. “The song is “Thriller.” It was a popular song in the 1980s.”
“I can tell why, it’s a catchy tune.” His smile is soft as he studies me and I swallow hard to fight the butterflies dancing in me.
“Did you come just to spy on me?” I tease, choosing to deflect to humor.
If a ghost could blush, I have no doubt that Lucien would be right now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him stumble over his words.
“I…uh…was coming to see if you found Stella’s body.” Well, that puts a damper on the teasing.
“We’re still working on that. She’s not at the cemetery, so we thought of the college but can’t see it being there if she was the reason it burnt down. Our only guess is that she might be buried at the sanatorium. Jayce is researching it now.”